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Nancy did a great job helping me dealing with my social anxiety, giving me tools and perspective that I didn't have before. I now feel more capable in dealing with difficult situations.

Anoniem over Nancy Licci

Nancy heeft me goed geholpen met het inzicht geven waar bepaalde gevoelens en emoties vandaan komen. Ze kwam met concrete opdrachten die me houvast gaven om in de dagelijkste gang van zaken met onrust en verslaving om te gaan.

Anoniem over Nancy Licci

Ik heb geleerd naar mijzelf en mijn lichaam te luisteren. Ik kan nu rust pakken, mocht ik onrustig worden weet ik dit tijdig te ondervangen. Ik heb de sessies als zeer prettig ervaren.

Anoniem over Nancy Licci

Suzana helped me with gaining insight into the source of my struggles and stress. That and giving me very practical recovery exercises that helped tremendously!

Anoniem over Suzana van de Ruit

Suzana helped me with gaining insight into the source of my struggles and stress. That and giving me very practical recovery exercises that helped tremendously!

Anoniem over Suzana van de Ruit

Insightful, practical, and eye-opening sessions. With Johan's direct, yet patient and sensitive approach, I saw the bigger picture of my complaints, felt supported and guided through the treatment, and met my treatment goals. Could only recommend.

Anoniem over Johan Konstapel

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