Raw cacao

Discover the health benefits and indulge in the rich flavor of raw cacao with these delicious recipes. Try out these easy-to-make treats and elevate your culinary experience with the goodness of raw cacao.
Is there anything chocolate can’t do? There’s no doubting that chocolate is delicious. However, this superfood holds powerful benefits and can be made part of a healthy diet. The trick is to skip the sugar-laden chocolate bars and opt for raw cacao instead, which is filled with some pretty impressive health benefits. Read the full article here: https://paleo.co/cacaobenefits Ayurveda, Metabolism, Nutrition, Health Tips, Health Benefits, Health Problems, Health And Wellness, How To Increase Energy, Natural Antibiotics

Is there anything chocolate can’t do? There’s no doubting that chocolate is delicious. However, this superfood holds powerful benefits and can be made part of a healthy diet. The trick is to skip the sugar-laden chocolate bars and opt for raw cacao instead, which is filled with some pretty impressive health benefits. Read the full article here: https://paleo.co/cacaobenefits

Cocoa, Raw Food Recipes, Smoothies, Vegan Hot Chocolate, Raw Cacao, Superfoods, Healthy Drinks, Unsweetened Almond Milk, Coconut Sugar

Update: This post originally ran December 3, 2013, but we wanted to share it again… it’s the perfect recipe for relaxing by the fire with loved ones this week — and it feels good to get something healthy into our bodies after all of that overeating we may or may not be doing lately. The […]

Libby Gunthorpe