Amber Heard is lobbying for non-consensual pornography to be punishable by up to five years in prison. She also argues that the SHIELD Act [Stopping Harmful Image Exploitation and Limiting Distribution] should be introduced into federal law in Washington.

The actress was at Capitol Hill Visitor Center to support Stopping Harmful Image Exploitation and Limiting Distribution which targets people who share explicit images of someone without their consent, also known as revenge porn.

It aims to deter violators of intimate privacy, from vengeful exes to online predators who profit from and entertain themselves with the distribution of private intimate images.

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Heard had her nude photographs stolen during a breach of Apple's iCloud service in 2014, and she spoke about the degradation and humiliation she still suffers years on.

"My stolen and manipulated photos are still online to this day, posted again and again with sexually explicit and humiliating and degrading headlines about my body, about myself," the star said alongside bill sponsors Reps. Jackie Speier and John Katko.

"Intimate content released into the internet is virtually impossible to remove, further subjecting victims to harassment and judgment from strangers and acquaintances alike. I continue to be harassed, stalked and humiliated by the theft of those images.

"My relationships, my family, my profession, my opportunities, and moreover, my expectations for bodily autonomy and liberty are forever compromised."

Jennifer Lawrence has spoken publicly about her ordeal when her private photos were also hacked and published online in 2014.

"When the hacking thing happened, it was so unbelievably violating that you can’t even put it into words,” the actress told The Hollywood Reporter.

"I think that I'm actually still processing it. When I first found out it was happening, my security reached out to me. It was happening minute-to-minute – it was almost like a ransom situation where they were releasing new ones every hour or so."

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Two of the criminals involved in the hacking were sentenced time in prison, but Lawrence said that she received little else in terms of support for what happened to her.

"I feel like I got gang banged by the fucking planet – like there's not one person in the world that is not capable of seeing these intimate photos of me. You can just be at a barbecue and somebody can just pull them up on their phone. That was a really impossible thing to process."