Fury as prosecutors DROP all charges over 'Convoy for Palestine' when protestors screamed 'F*** the Jews. F*** their mothers, rape their daughters'

  • The two men were suspected of shouting anti-Semitic abuse in the 2021 convoy 
  • The CPS has now said there is little chance either of them would be convicted
  • 200 cars drove 200 miles from Bradford down to Golders Green in London 
  • The decision has outraged members of the Jewish community and its allies 

Campaigners against anti-Semitism have been left fuming today after the CPS dropped all charges against two men thought to have screamed anti-Semitic abuse at passers-by in a 'Convoy for Palestine' which drove through London last May.

Mohammed Iftikhar Hanif, 27, and Jawaad Hussain, 24, have had all charges dropped after the CPS concluded it was extremely unlikely they would be convicted of any offence.

A group of men drove 200 miles from Bradford to a Jewish community in North London and yelled: 'F*** the Jews... F*** all of them. F*** their mothers, f*** their daughters.'

The CPS previously dropped charges against two other men, Asif Ali, 26 and Adil Mota, 27, thought to have been involved in the incident in July.

All four men are from Blackburn and denied charges of accused of 'using threatening, abusive or insulting words, or behaviour, with intent, likely to stir up racial hatred'. 

Dropping the charges today, the CPS said there is 'no longer a realistic prospect of either defendant being convicted.' 

But the Campaign Against Antisemitism has demanded that the Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill QC, 'immediately explain this decision or resign' and says it is considering its legal options.

Horrified onlookers to the incident in May 2021 heard some in the convoy yell: ''F*** the Jews... F*** all of them. F*** their mothers, f*** their daughters, and show your support for Palestine. 

'Rape their daughters and we have to send a message like that. Please do it for the poor children in Gaza.' 

Convoy of cars shouted the abuse

A convoy of cars bearing the Palestinian flag drove through a Jewish community in north London while passengers screamed 'f*** their mothers, f*** their daughters

The cars all carried Palestinian flags
Some passengers stood in the moving vehicles and held Palestinian flags

Onlookers were left horrified after the convoy yelled: 'F*** all of them. F*** their mothers, f*** their daughters and show your support for Palestine. Rape their daughters and we have to send a message like that. Please do it for the poor children in Gaza'

The incident took place a very short distance from a synagogue and was condemned by the Prime Minister, Labour Party Leader and Home Secretary. 

Around 200 vehicles set off from Bradford before passing Sheffield and Leicester on the route to London. 

It then headed to Hendon and Golders Green, both areas in north London which have large Jewish populations. 

As well as the horrific phrases being yelled from one car in the convoy, witnesses reported others shouted 'Go back to Poland' as they passed. 

One of the men inside the car where the abuse was coming from had a shirt reading 'Blackburn'. 

Following the incident, London Mayor Sadiq Khan strongly condemned the abuse and reassured Jewish communities in London that there would be a visible police presence in its aftermath. 

It came as thousands of Palestinians were forced to flee their homes after a week of sustained conflict in Gaza. 

A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism said: 'The Director of Public Prosecutions must immediately explain this decision or resign. 

'If the CPS is incapable of bringing to justice the people who drove through London in broad daylight on camera calling for the rape of Jewish women and girls, then it has reached the absolute pinnacle of pointlessness.

'This was a crime that sent Jewish families running in fear and caused the Prime Minister and Home Secretary to demand action. Britain's Jews are facing surging hatred and are crying out for justice. 

'We are exploring whether we can bring a private prosecution, and we are also considering whether we could bring a judicial review against the CPS.

'It shames our country that our criminal justice system has yet again left Britain's Jews to fend for themselves.'

The incident came days after thousands of people marched through London to the gates of the Israeli embassy, while protests took place in other cities across the UK and Ireland in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Mike Freer, MP for Finchley and Golders Green, told the Jewish Chronicle the decision to drop all charges was 'disappointing'. At the time, he said the scenes left him 'sick to my stomach'.

Mr Freer, who also serves as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Courts and Legal Services, said today: 'The CPS have a job to do, and whilst they may think the case does not have a realistic chance of success, sometimes we should take a chance and let a jury decide, otherwise we continually let perpetrators think they will get away with it, and the people who are terrorised think that they are not going to be protected.

'I think it's a very disappointing decision, and I think they should have pursued it not only to send a message to those who seek to behave in this way, but also we may have discovered that the jury convicted them, so sometimes we should let a jury decide.'

In a statement, a CPS spokesperson told the JC: 'The CPS has a duty to keep cases under continuing review and, following a further review of the evidence, we concluded there is no longer a realistic prospect of either defendant being convicted.

'We take reports of antisemitism and all other allegations of religious hatred extremely seriously because of the devastating impact they have on victims and wider society. Where there is sufficient evidence, we will prosecute these cases.'

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