When a little goes a long way to ruin your reputation

When a little goes a long way to ruin your reputation

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Story by Zuqka


Stepping out from her house as she got ready for a performance at a Nairobi college beauty pageant, local musician Sironka ensured everything looked perfect. From all angles, the artiste’s provocative mini dress , semi-black tights and high heeled shoes ensemble worked remarkably well.

But unfortunately for the recording artiste, the view from the bottom was not as glamorous.
As she did her act on stage the paparazzi lenses froze more than her electrifying performance in frame.

Before she stepped off the stage, her photos were posted online from numerous internet enabled mobile phones , igniting a debate on whether she was enjoying her freedom of dressing or naughtily seeking publicity.
She later on pleaded ignorance on the whole matter. She said she was unaware of the embarrassing exposure.

Going Commando,is the street-wise term for dressing without underwear, with an origin from the American troops in Vietnam and college slang in the 1970s. Internationally, superstars Beyonce, Jenifer Lopez, Britney spears and a hoard of other celebrities have all been caught on camera minus an essential garment.

Felisters Adhiambo, a 26-year-old banker and self confessed commando had this to say:

“Even thongs leave lines, going commando does not.”

Many women say that they walk pant-free so as to avoid a rather tasteless panty line.

“Going commando makes me feel comfy and sexy,”

For others, it is a statement to the world.

“This is how I rebel,” says Jane Njeri, a model and student at the University of Nairobi. The exact cause of her rebellion remains unknown even to her.

Even before Kenyan women revellers caught up with the habit, it first started with the American armed forces while in combat at Vietnam (They lost the war and as it seems…the pants).
According to Wikipedia, Going Commando is related to the much earlier term “going regimental”, which refers to wearing the kilt military style without underwear.

It’s during the Vietnamese war, that the earliest cases of going without underwear were recorded. It meant to being “out in the open” or “ready for action”.

The action was associated with soldiers who did it so as to “increase ventilation and reduce moisture” while serving long periods in hot, wet jungle environments. This in turn minimimised the chances of getting a rash or a fungal infection.

Apparently, studies on this phenomenon have been made. For instance Queen’s University’s Caroline Pukall states that going without underwear while sleeping benefits the vulva, reduces humidity and temperature around the pelvis hence bringing that area of the body to a more natural state.

  • FestokK

    Down in the rural areas of makueni county at a small village called mililuni gospel music springing in me no where to get a producer and a promoter but all the same God is good.

  • Jeremiah Samba

    Captivating indeed!

  • stylus

    This is just wickedness. Plain and simple.

  • http://www.zuqka.com agastee

    good article. those legs should be patented!

  • http://www.facebook.com Cara’

    when hunger fr fame takes over personality!