Fineline Internet Support
Monday April 29, 2024

How do I cancel?
Please fill in the appropriate information so we can locate your account and cancel it as quickly as possible for you. Click Here!

My password doesn't work!
Our systems are case sensitive. You must type in your username and password exactly as you originally typed it on the signup form. If you are unsure of how your username and password appears, please supply us with your account information. Click Here!

I double clicked the mouse button when selecting submit. Will I be billed twice?
No, our system has safeguards that prevent you from submitting a successful sign up more than once in a two minute time period.

I received a warning message that the page is unsecure:
The certificates in your web browser have expired. Many older versions of web browsers have this problem. While a security window will prompt you making it appear that the page is not secure, it is actually a problem within your browser. 

I keep getting errors on the signup page:
Our system is very sensitive and requires that each field be filled in.

  1. You must use your name as it appears on your credit card, and your billing address where you receive your credit card statement.
  2. If you live in a foreign country, and do not have a state, simply use the first 2 letters of the country name, i.e., IT for Italy.
  3. You must use at least 6 to 8 characters for your username and password

My credit card doesn’t work?
Fineline Internet accepts Visa and MasterCard. If you received an error after submitting your signup form, an error message will be displayed, and you are not charged. Approvals and errors are issued by the Banking Network, and are not controlled by Fineline Internet.

  • Exceeded Usage Limits
    Credit card shows excessive usage. Even if you still have credit left on your credit card, you may receive this message if you have used it for multiple Internet transactions in the same day. The same may be approved later.
  • Card Declined at Pre-Auth
    Card rejected; considered high risk based on address verification, usage patterns and history. Make sure that the address you listed corresponds to your billing address with your credit card company. A history of chargebacks and refund requests will result in your card being blocked for many Internet sales.
  • Sale Declined By Credit Card Network
    Sale was rejected by the banking network. Try the card again later; blocks by the network are usually resolved/removed in a day or so.
  • Incorrect address provided
    Fineline Internet will compare the address you provide with what your bank has on file. If these do not match, your bank may not accept the charge.
  • Invalid Fields
    User submitted invalid information or a card number or card type not supported.
  • Card Declined - Blocked
    Card blocked by processor at either the customer's request or for fraudulent usage, etc.
  • Declined Due to Chargebacks
    Card shows a previous chargeback history. A card with a chargeback history will not be accepted.

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638 Camino De Los Mares, PMB H130-252, San Clemente, CA 92673 - Phone: 1.877.411.0330 Fax 1.949.481.7780