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Australian eSafety

Information for Australian users

Note: This information is for Australian Users only.

The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) is Australia’s independent regulator for online safety and helps Australians have safer, more positive online experiences in accordance with the Online Safety Act 2021 (the “OSA”).

eSafety’s remit includes administering regulatory schemes, mandatory industry codes, the Basic Online Safety Expectations, educational and promotional content, and programs relevant to online safety, in addition to coordinating activities of Commonwealth Departments, authorities and agencies relating to online safety for Australians.

As part of the OSA, the eSafety Commissioner is an independent statutory office holder supported by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

In addition to the eSafety Commissioner’s website, you can find further details on eSafety’s role and function in their published overview.

Class 1A and 1B material as described in the OSA can be summarised as follows:

Class 1A: Child sexual exploitation, pro-terror, and extreme crime and violence material.

Class 1B: Crime and violence, and drug-related material.

To report Class 1A or 1B material, please do so via our Content Removal Request form.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome or handling of your complaint, you can escalate it for further investigation by responding to the email you receive from our support team.

If you wish to make a complaint about any aspect of our compliance with the Industry Codes, please do so within 1 month, by emailing, including as much information as possible to allow us to investigate your complaint.

If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome or handling of your report regarding Class 1A or 1B material, or your complaint regarding our compliance with the Industry Codes, please inform us by emailing, and we will refer your complaint to the eSafety Commissioner.

If you wish to make a complaint directly to the eSafety Commissioner, you may do so via the eSafety Commissioner's website.

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