Privacy guidelines

We want you to feel safe when you're on YouTube. You can submit a privacy complaint if you believe that content on the site violates your privacy, sense of safety, or if you're not comfortable with content that features you on YouTube. For content to be considered for removal, the individual submitting the complaint must be uniquely identifiable.

Note that we take public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining if content should be removed. Contact your local police for assistance if you feel you are in physical danger. 

If someone copies content that you created or content that you own, you can file a copyright complaint instead of a privacy complaint. 

Before you submit a complaint

  • Contact the uploader. If you think that content posted to YouTube violates your privacy, first contact the uploader. It's possible that the uploader isn't aware and may be willing to delete the content. Some creators list ways they can be contacted in their channel.
  • Make sure you are uniquely identifiable. Before you submit a complaint, you should make sure that you're uniquely identifiable in the content you're reporting. If you’re reporting a video, we'll ask that you identify the location in the video where your image or information appears so that we can review.
  • First-party complaint. 
    • We do not accept claims on behalf of third parties except in the following situations:
      • The individual whose privacy is being violated does not have access to a computer
      • The individual whose privacy is being violated is a vulnerable individual
      • You are the parent or legal guardian of the individual whose privacy is being violated
      • You act as a legal representative for the individual whose privacy is being violated
    • We will not accept privacy complaints filed on behalf of:
      • Other family members (e.g., husband, wife, cousin, brother, sister)
      • Co-workers or employees (individuals must report themselves)
      • A company

How to submit a privacy complaint

Abusing the privacy process may result in channel suspension. If you use the privacy complaint process to harass other users on the YouTube or create false privacy reports, your YouTube account may be suspended.

Select what type of personal information is being revealed in the content you are reporting:

Image or full name that uniquely identifies you, such as:

  • Images
  • Audio footage
  • Video footage
  • Text


Personal data that uniquely identifies you, such as:

  • Social Security number
  • Contact information (e.g., home address, email address, phone number)
  • Credit card number or other financial information that can be used to uniquely identify or contact you


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