Sissy Sandra girl

I love being a sissy girl, and feeling like a woman. I enjoy fucking my pussy with a big dildo, and streaching my pussy hole. I love sucking cock and eating that good cum. I guess I am a total slut for your enjoyment and use!!! Feel free to expose my videos and photos to other site darling, love all my friends, your sissy gal Sandra xoxoxo!!! XXX!!! Keep Smoking girls, and sucking cock!!! This sissy girl has to have it!!!! It's my calling!!!… Читать далее

Креатор: SandraGirl 3 года назад 27

Sandra girl smoking sissy

Sandra girl smoking ID… Читать далее

Креатор: SandraGirl 3 года назад 8

Please don't judge me !

Hi everyone, I'am a sexy sissy girl from Michigan. I am what I am, and I love it!! I love to have fun with other sissy's and girlfriend. Being married has limited me on my dressing up at times, but when I get a chance look out hehe! I am a bit disabled due to my ms but I still keep going if possible, I love being a woman, and smoking like a lady. I started dressing when I was about 14, and never looked back. Thanks to all my friends for being there and the support I just love you all so much. Big tight hugs and sexy smokey kisses always your gal-Sandra XOXOXO!!! Please note that my clitty won'… Читать далее

Креатор: SandraGirl 5 лет назад 35