Refund or compensation request form
Carta Freccia Code

Are you a Cartafreccia member? Please enter your membership code.

Required Personal Data
Optional Personal Data

For the processing of personal data as indicated in Paragraph III - “Purpose of Data Processing”:
I consent to the use of my telephone number for the purpose of improving the management and processing of my refund request in case of communication difficulties and/or to speed up response times.

  I consent     I do not consent

We would like to remind you that in the event of cancelling a trip due to traveller's needs prior to the train's departure, for ticketless refunds can only be requested using the specific automatic refund function that can be activated by calling up the ticket from the "My trips" link in the reserved area.

We would like to inform you that reports and/or requests for assistance regarding the Cartafreccia programme must be sent in the dedicated section "support for members".
Any reports entered using the form below will not be followed up.


With a few simple steps via our WEBSITE or APP, you can immediately claim compensation for delays, only having to submit a digital or paper form if necessary.
From On the Home Page, > select the Search Ticket function, > enter the (PNR and CP), > click on Manage then select > Compensation, > from here, you can choose between > Bonus or Credit, depending on the payment method used.
From the Reserved Area: On the Home Page > access the Reserved Area > click on My Trips > search for your ticket by travel date or date of purchase or by PNR/Ticket Code > select your ticket > click on Manage then on Compensation, > from here, you can choose between > Bonus or Credit, depending on the payment method used.
From the APP: go to the My Trips section, > select Find Ticket, > enter the (PNR and CP), > select Manage then Compensation, > from here, you can choose between > Bonus or Credit, depending on the payment method used.

Enter your details here (filling in the fields with an asterisk * is required).

Personal Data Protection Policy

(Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of European Regulation No. 679/2016)

Before acquiring your personal data, which will be used in the overall management and processing of a refund request, Trenitalia S.p.A. kindly asks you to carefully read the policy regarding personal data protection.

I. Data Controller and DPO
In this section we indicate our contact persons

Data Controller: Trenitalia S.p.A., with registered office in Piazza della Croce Rossa 1, Rome, Italy, represented by the pro-tempore Chief Executive Officer, can be contacted at the following email address:

DPO: Contact details for the Data Protection Officer (DPO):

II. Types of personal data
In this section, we indicate the types of data we request

Mandatory data from the data subject: name, surname, email, address, bank account details, credit card number (if payment has been made using this method), travel data (route, ticket number, season ticket number), identity document details (in the case of a refund carried out at the ticket office), BIC/Swift/ABA for passengers residing outside of Italy or foreign bank account holders.

Delegate’s data: name and surname, date and place of birth, identity document details.

Optional data acquired directly from the data subject: telephone contacts, CartaFreccia code.

For requests sent via web form – data acquired automatically while browsing the website:
to ensure the correct functioning of the website, computer systems are used that automatically acquire certain information, which is directly connected to the use of computer protocols, to maintain proper operation of the system. This information may include, for example: IP address, type of browser used, ISP, operating system, domain name and addresses of websites from which you accessed or exited (referring/exit pages) the site, information on pages visited within the website, access times, time spent on a single webpage, internal path analysis, etc.

The aforementioned data will be processed using electronic and paper-based formats in order to guarantee suitable measures of security and privacy.

In the case of a refund request made for a ticket for FS Treni Turistici Italiani, the personal data will be processed by Trenitalia as Data Controller. The complete policy for FS Treni Turistici Italiani can be consulted at the following link:

III. Purpose of Data Processing
In this section, we indicate the purpose for processing your data

a. Processing of refund request; Nature of provision of personal data (Mandatory); Legal base (Contractual)

b. Improvement of refund request process via telephone contact; Nature of the provision (Optional); Legal basis (Content)

Provision of the data necessary to carry out the purposes referred to in point a) is “mandatory” and any refusal could make it impossible for Trenitalia S.p.A. to process the refund request.
The provision of the data necessary for pursuit of the purposes referred to in point b) is “optional”; therefore, non-provision will only result in the impossibility of improving the refund request process.

Any consent given may be freely withdrawn at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing of data carried out prior to withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent can be communicated by contacting the Data Protection Officer at the following email address:

IV. Data recipients
In this section, we indicate who will process your data and to whom your data will be communicated

In order to pursue the aforementioned purposes, your personal data will be processed by the following parties:

Parties attributable to Trenitalia S.p.A.:
• Persons authorised to process data (Trenitalia S.p.A. employees)
• IT Services companies
• Other companies from the FS Group

Parties not directly attributable to Trenitalia S.p.A.:
• Third parties, should this be deemed necessary due to the nature of the event concerning the refund request
• Judicial authorities
• Law enforcement authorities

Your data will only be processed by parties expressly authorised by Trenitalia S.p.A. or by companies acting as Data Processors on behalf of Trenitalia S.p.A., and who have signed a specific contract that duly regulates the processing entrusted to them and their obligations regarding data protection. Your data will never be disseminated.
The up-to-date list of data recipients is available by contacting the Data Protection Officer at the following email address:

V. Data retention
In this section, we indicate the length of time your data will be stored

Personal data that has been provided to us by the data subject will be stored for 10 years from the date the refund procedure was completed.

VI. Rights of Data Subjects
In this section, we indicate the rights you are guaranteed

EU Regulation 2016/679 (Articles 15 to 23) grants data subjects the option to exercise specific rights. In particular, in relation to the processing of your personal data, you have the right to request from Trenitalia S.p.A. the following:

• Access: you may request confirmation as to whether or not data concerning you is being processed, as well as further clarifications regarding the information referred to in this policy;
• Rectification: you may request to rectify or add to the data you have provided us, if it is inaccurate or incomplete;
• Deletion: you may request that your data be deleted if they are no longer necessary for our purposes, in the event of revocation of consent or opposition to personal data processing, in the event of unlawful processing, or should a legal obligation for deletion arise;
• Limitation: you may request that your data be processed only for the purposes of data retention, with the exclusion of other processing, for the period necessary to rectify your data, in the event of unlawful processing for which you oppose deletion, if you are required to exercise your rights in court and the data stored by us may be useful to you and, finally, in the event of opposition to data processing and pending the verification of the prevalence of our legitimate reasons over yours.
• Objection: you may object at any time to the processing of your data, unless there are legitimate reasons for us to proceed with processing which prevail over yours, for example to conduct our operations or mount a defence in court.
• Portability: you may request to receive your data, or have it transferred to another data controller as stipulated by you, in a structured format, which is commonly used and readable by an automatic device.
Furthermore, we would like to inform you that if you believe that your rights have been violated, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, which in Italy is the Data Protection Authority.

You may ask to exercise your rights in relation to Trenitalia at any time by contacting the Data Protection Officer at the following email address:

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