Bloomberg Law
Feb. 16, 2023, 1:00 PM UTC

Google Case at Supreme Court Risks Upending the Internet We Know

Emily Birnbaum
Bloomberg News

An upcoming Supreme Court case could answer one of the toughest questions of the internet age: Should online companies be held responsible for promoting harmful speech?

The case, Gonzalez v. Google, could upend the modern internet economy, sparing no online business. A ruling against Google will likely leave internet companies — from social media platforms to travel websites to online marketplaces — scrambling to reconfigure their businesses to avoid costly lawsuits.

QuickTake: <-bsp-bb-link state="{"bbHref":"bbg://news/stories/QNV72HT0G1KZ","_id":"00000186-5ac7-d9fb-afae-7ee72fc80000","_type":"0000016b-944a-dc2b-ab6b-d57ba1cc0000"}">Why ‘Section 230’ Is Nub of Fights Over Online Speech

The case, which will be argued Feb. 21, tests whether Google’s YouTube can be held liable for automated recommendations ...

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