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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
(Redirected from Huvudsida)
This page is a translated version of the page Main Page and the translation is 100% complete.


Välkommen till Meta-Wiki, den globala samlingsplatsen för Wikimedia Foundations projekt och närbesläktade projekt, för koordination och dokumentation samt för planering och analys.

Andra meta-fokuserade wikier, såsom Wikimedia Outreach är specialiserade projekt vilka har sina rötter i Meta-Wiki. Liknande diskussioner sker även på Wikimedias e-postlistor (specifikt wikimedia-l, med dess lågtrafikekvivalent WikimediaAnnounce), IRC-kanaler på Libera, individuella wikier för lokala Wikimedia-lokalavdelningar, samt på andra platser.

Saker som händer

Augusti 2024

August 7 – August 10: Wikimania 2024 in Katowice, Poland.

Juli 2024

July 28: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network online meeting on Movement Charter results
July 26: Deadline for in-person Wikimania registrations. Remote participants may sign up anytime.
July 20–August 3: Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee special election: Community questions for candidates period
July 10–July 19: Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee special election: Call for candidates
July 15: The new Community Wishlist is open for new wish submissions. From now on, it will be possible to submit new wishes at any time. The team working on the Wishlist encourages users to submit a wish in their native language.

Juni 2024

June 28–June 30: Lexicodays 2024
June 25–August 26: 2024 Board election: Pre-onboarding and campaign period
June 25–July 9: Voting period to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter
June 23: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network online meeting
June 20–July 1: 2024 Board election: Candidates answer questions from the community members
June 20: Wiki Workshop 2024 (free registration)
June 20: Movement Charter Launch Party at
June 19: Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy: Live session on affiliate health criteria and changes to user group recognition process at
June 12: Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy: Announcement on affiliate health criteria and changes to user group recognition process
June 11: Wiki Advocacy Network: Follow-up meeting from 1st Global Wiki Advocacy meetup at
June 9: Community Affairs Committee: Live call #3 on the Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle at 16:00 UTC
June 9: Community Affairs Committee: Live call #2 on the Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle at 02:00 UTC

Gemenskap och kommunikation
Wikimedia Foundation, Meta-Wiki, samt dess systerprojekt
Wikimedia Foundation är en övergripande ideell stiftelse som äger Wikimedias servrar, dess domännamn, logotyper samt varumärken för alla Wikimediaprojekt och MediaWiki. Meta-Wiki är koordineringswiki för de olika Wikimedia-wikierna.