Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-shapes-1] Optional values shouldn't be serialized (#8695)

I do not think the resolution for #2274 (*always serialize with 2 or 4 values*) was meant to be taken literally, but for the record (quoted from #368):

  > > `circle()`, `circle(at center)`, `circle(at 50%)`, ... are all valid and means the same value, and my guess would have been to serialize them as `circle()`. I am not claiming that they should be serialized like this, but I just woud like to understand the current browser outputs.
  > @cdoublev (and others) take a look at the discussion in #2274 for some of the things that led us to decide to only serialize to 2- and 4-value forms.



It would be nice to clarify if a math function simplified to a numeric value representing a default value can be omitted, like in `circle(at calc(50%))`.

There seems to have interop on generally not omitting a math function representing a default value. But it is not always simple see

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