Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-4] `font-family` descriptor in `@font-palette-values` ambiguous in number of font-family entries (#6916)

I ask the following question here since the following text is the result of above, but please let me know if you prefer that I open a separate one.

  > If syntax errors occur within the font family list, the descriptor must be ignored (will still be in the CSS OM, but will not match any font families).

Can you please clarify what *"the descriptor must be ignored"* means?

For this CSS:

@font-palette-values --palette {
  font-family: serif;

`CSSFontPaletteValues.fontFamily` serializes to empty string in FF and to the specified value between quotes in Chrome (probably a bug).

I would expect it to serialize as specified.

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