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Imagine, for a moment, that there is a 10th planet in this solar system that has gone undiscovered for thousands of years.  Imagine, if you will, that this planet is in very similar proximity to our Sun as the planet that we call Earth.  Imagine, if you can, that this undiscovered planet is in a completely opposite and synchronous orbit with the Earth; somewhat of a Counter-Earth.

Let us presume, for a moment, that this Counter-Earth was never racked with the industrial revolution.  Pollution is non-existent on its surface and in its atmosphere.  The weapons carried by her soldiers are still manufactured by hand with fire and the hammer.  The inhabitants of this world still survive on staples of wild meat, vegetables, fruit, and clear water that runs from the springs in the mountains.

The description sounds ideal, so, there must be a catch.  Even on our own world, history has shown that strength and power have always dominated over weakness and fear.  It would be so in this untainted world where civilization must depend upon the honesty and codes of its strongest citizens.  No world can be perfect; certainly not our own.

This Counter-Earth does not exist in the realm of matter.  Perhaps at one point in our own history, or a combination thereof, Earth resembled such a place.  Now, the Earth itself is in a recession of its natural resources.  There will come a time when the Earth will no longer support the lifestyle that we have so wantonly built for ourselves.  There are those even on this world that look to a Science Fiction/Fantasy world like Counter-Earth to help them ignore some of the deficiencies of the present world.

Many of the participants in this fantasy world are less than desirable and perhaps a bit unique with regards to present day thinking.  Perhaps this is caused by a basic change in the meanings of language over the centuries.  Perhaps we, as inhabitants of the Earth, should take a lesson or two from the moral teachings of a science-fiction author or two.  With our loose grasp of reality, we have somehow forged our way ahead of ourselves and possibly endangered our own existence.

In browsing these pages, all I ask of you is to keep an open mind.  Do not judge too harshly those who express their feelings, desires, and wishes lest one day you yourself find that times have changed and your own thoughts are now immoral.

– Jonrhus of Gor –