Getting Others to Change

How do you motivate people to change their behavior? This is a common question for managers, executives, coaches, teachers, parents, and anyone else who ever wants other people around them to act differently in a consistent way.

The Direction Correction Badge

I’ve noticed that one of the hardest things for people to do is to change what they’re doing to something better to be doing, when there’s nothing externally forcing them to. But to unhook from whatever groove we’re in, in the moment, and shift the focus of awareness and physical energies into something that may not be as immediately easy or comfortable…I think that takes real strength.

The Process Pressure Points are Personal

The most successful executives/professionals/people keep their decks clear, make decisions on the front end, dispatch the results to trusted people and systems, track commitments rigorously (their own and others’) and get physically engaged taking actions on the projects they own.

GTD and Teams

A recurring question from people new to GTD, or interested in its applicability to an organization, is “How does GTD relate to teams?”