A Thief is Publicly Punished

Late Saturday afternoon, the towns people gathered in the square. Allison, a striking nude young woman, was carried down the center of the street. With her high cheek bones and lovely figure, she certainly had everyone's attention. Two guards grasp a leg each while the two others held her arms. Allison pulled and twisted her shapely body all the way to the raised platform in the center of the square. In spite of her struggles, she was unable to free herself. In desperation, she resorted to begging for mercy. But the guards simply ignored her pleas. A stand was erected on the platform and with surprisingly little effort, two of the guards skillfully secured Allison bent over the frame with her legs parted which prominently displayed her ass and pussy to the audience's delight. While both humiliating and demeaning, this was just the beginning of her ordeal. When she opened her mouth again, one of the guards put a leather bit in it while the other took a position behind her.

The magistrate stood over her and read her sentence. She was convicted for stealing a jeweled neckless from her Mistress. Allison worked as an upstairs maid for an ageing and bitter Countess who treated her cruelly. Allison knew the Countess hadn't put that neckless around her neck once during the three years she'd worked there. The Countess resented both Allison's youth and her beauty. She took pleasure from strapping Allison for minor mistakes. In fact, it was after one of these punishments when Allison grasped the jewelry and put it in her apron pocket. When she got it home, she gave it to her brother to sell in the next town. Her brother unwisely took it to a jewelry shop. A peasant carrying a very expensive neckless into a shop raised more than an eyebrow. He soon found himself in front of a magistrate - he gave up his sister under torture. As soon as word spread, Allison was arrested, found guilty and placed in a cell to await punishment.

When the magistrate concluded, one of the guards picked up a moderately thick strap. At first, he mercifully came down on Allison's ass with moderate force, then built up the force with lashes alternating each cheek to warm her up. Her ass was now a uniform light red. The guard paused before switching to the thicker heavy strap. The first lash with that strap came down across both ass cheeks. Allison exhaled a groan around the bit and her eyes watered. The next one came from the other direction as she pulled against the restraints. The guard continued alternating sides with punishing lashes marking her red ass with dark red streaks. The sound of leather striking flesh filled the square. He paused after 24 punishing lashes; Allison's groans had become louder by the end of the set. She was desperate for the endorphin rush that briefly followed. The other guard took over for the next set with the heavy strap. Allison's cries were now much more audible following each painful lash. She pulled on her restraints as tears filled her eyes. The lower third of her ass acquired a deep red hue with purple streaks reflecting the abuse inflected on it. The sound of leather against flesh and her cries reverberated against the walls of the buildings. Allison eagerly embraced her endorphins at the conclusion of the set - they fought hard to diminish the burning pain. The towns people watched in captivated in silence.

The guard paused before switching to a wood paddle. Allison's endorphins had barely subsided when that paddle came down hard across both ass cheeks. She exhaled a laud scream as tears began falling again. The next one struck her right cheek followed by one on her left cheek as she pulled against the restraints. The guard continued alternating sides with punishing swats that were answered by her screams echoing through the square. The swats marked her ass with white splotches on a dark red background. Mary struggled with the pain - this was much worse than the heavy strap. The loud thud of wood striking flesh filled the ears of the town's people. The guard put the paddle down after 12 painful swats. Allison now truly understood execrating pain. She was desperate for the endorphin rush that briefly followed. Her little ass was well spanked and already very sore. Deep red sores quickly formed standing out from her redden damaged flesh.

Next, the guard's changed again and he reached for a rattan cane. A moment later, the cane struck the junction between her ass and legs with force. Allison clamped down on the bit hard responding to the most stinging pain she had ever felt. The second one landed just above the first. Welts rose up from each stroke marking the path of that evil stick as it marched up her bottom. The sharp pain of the cane embracing her flesh causing her to cry out through the bit with each stroke. Some of the towns' people had to turn away from the severity of her punishment. Allison's tears dropped down to the platform floor. The guard paused after eighteen strokes. Allison's endorphins struggled to relieve her from some of the pain during the short respite. However, the remaining eighteen strokes were even more painful. The relentless assault on her ass continued to be articulated with the fall of the cane ripping into her flesh. Her world was reduced to the repetition of the swish of the cane followed by her screaming in response. Which was intern, followed by a gasp from the crowd.

Allison's vision was blurred, her lower lip was beginning to quiver and her arms were becoming fatigued from pulling at the restraints. Her jaw was starting to hurt from clamping down on the bit. As the guard continued caning her, Allison's cries again echoed through the square. She had a petite bottom and it was impossible to deliver the required number of strokes without landing the cane on existing welts. She screamed louder in agony each time that happened. This was the most painful experience of her young life. Her tears had formed a small pool on the platform at the conclusion of her caning. Allison was left restrained, bent over the frame, relishing the little relief her endorphins could manage for a few minutes. Her dark red ass was covered with deep purple welts and the pain radiated through her young body. The other guard tended to Allison's broken and bleeding skin with a blotter and ointment.

Allison was unbound, but she wasn't able to stand on her own. A guard held her up in an embrace for several moments as she gathered the energy to stand on her own. Allison 's lower lip was still quivering and tears were making their way down her face when she tried to speak. Her words broke inaudibly, but the guard embraced her tighter and told her it was over. He then spoke to the stunned audience: "Allison paid a heavy price for stealing from her employer." The towns people nodded before they turned away in silence. A woman from the town climbed up to the platform and placed a blanket around Allison. Then she assisted Allison off the stage and back to the cell where her dress had been removed. Before she left her, she whispered something in Allison's ear.

About an hour later, Allison walked into her room thinking of what the kind women said. She looked at her quickly made bed and pulled her dress over her head. She laid on her tummy and licked her fingers before working on her clit. To her surprise, she had a delightful organism quickly. As soon as her spasms subsided, she instinctively rolled over and pushed her sore ass into her coarse wool blanket and started fingering herself again. The added stimulation from her sore ass somehow excited her. Again, she used her fingers on her clit and soon shook hard with spasms of an orgasm that she sustained for several minutes. As soon as her last orgasm concluded, she ran her fingers over her welts and became aroused again. Allison twisted her bottom across the blanket pushing down hard to inflame her welts and fingered herself again. She couldn't remember ever having an orgasm this hard. Once again, she shook, but even more violently than before. Her breathing quickened as waves of pleasure swept over her. When her respiration finely subsided, she drifted to a content sleep.
Veröffentlicht von spanker_eric3
vor 1 Monat
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Danke für den Kommentar und ich freue mich, dass dir die Fakten in meinen Geschichten gefallen!
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Thanks - Indeed, life was hard back then
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Das ist das Gute am erotischen Spanking, nämlich dass die starken Schmerzen die Orgasmusfähigkeit enorm verbessern und auch das viele Blut, dass sich bei kräftigen Schlägen auf die Arschbacken im Genitalbereich ansammelt. Aus eigener Erfahrung weiss ich, dass es keine intensiveren und besseren Orgasmen gibt als nach einer schmerzhaften Behandlung des Arsches. Der Übergang vom Schmerz zur Lust ist bei der Stimulation der Geschlechtsorgane ein sensationell gutes Gefühl, das ich nicht oft genug geniessen möchte.
Poor Allison... good story
thank you - even for a spanking model the nano seconds between  the swish of the cane and its very personal impact must come as a shock to their nerves system :wink:
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Nice build up of implements and my favorite bit 'A moment later, the cane struck the junction between her ass and legs' 
Great story