Ran(Dumb) Thoughts

First, would just like to start off by saying I am not bashing or talking negatively about ANYONE. These are just thoughts that have been circling and bouncing around in my head so don't take them too seriously. So now, may I pose the question? Are the "New/Newer" cam girls of today just getting worse and worse compared to the cam girls of say ten years ago or so? It seems to me that these New camgirls on the scene just want to flash a boob or make a twenty sec video and get paid vast amounts of money for it. Seems a bit ridiculous to me, but people can pay and spend their money on whatever it is they want to. No sweat off my back.

All I'm trying to get at is that the camgirls that were around give or take, ten years ago would actually have to work and put a bit of effort into their cam shows. They would talk and engage in conversation with their audience and would even remember certain usernames because they just always loved coming back for more.Now, it's sad that now all I see with these new camgirls on the scene is that most of them are just on their phone most of the time, they don't even talk to or address their audience 90% of the time, they don't talk or speak a single word, and just sit their flashing their ass or half a tit for five seconds and then its just back to staring at their phone the entire time until someone tips again. Is that what caming has evolved into these days? Is what caming once was a thing of the past? Or does technology and its advancements have a role to play in this as well?

Again these are all just questions that have been running around in my head these past few days and would just like to hear your opinions on what you think about it. What do you think, and what's the difference between the "old school" camgirls from back then and the New camgirls on the scene today, what's the biggest (and smallest) difference that you see between the two? And, is caming slowly becoming a thing of the past? Your thoughts. Your opinions, anyone.
Veröffentlicht von BlueSiliconeFree
vor 3 Jahren
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Reallyreallyreal vor 1 Jahr
The quality is absolutely going down.. but with the videos too.  I think it's partly because so many are going into the field it's quantity over-loaded
NaturalMegaTits vor 3 Jahren
People can pay for whatever they want, but the quality and production value does seem like its just getting more and more lazy and unoriginal. Bunch of boring nonsense imo