August 8, International Cat Day

Hello, ailurophiles (cat lovers),

Today, Sunday, August 8, is International Cat Day. I know many of you love these little musical hairballs. On this occasion, I would like to suggest a reading that has profoundly affected me. It is a novel by a German romantic writer and a composer, also a draftsman and lawyer that I like very much, Cat Murr, by Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffmann (1776-1822).The full title is: The wise reflections of the cat Murr interspersed with a fragmentary biography of the Choirmaster Johannès Kreisler presented at random from torn pages. (in original German: Lebensansichten des Katers Murr, nebst fragmentarischer Biographie des Kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler in zufälligen Makulaturblättern.) This novel, a true parody of the learning novel (Bildungsroman), launched by Goethe, was published in two volumes, respectively in 1818 and 1821, in its original version.

This novel, often funny, touching, sometimes sad is a real gem of the genre. In short, and perhaps to whet your appetite, Cat Murr tells the «autobiographical» story of a cat... written by a cat. In fact, Murr was the name of Hoffmann’s cat. His name is the onomatopoeia of his purring. It was after his death that the writer had the idea to make him the main character of a novel. As you can easily guess, Hoffmann, in the same way as many writers, adored cats, and especially Murr, to whom he was deeply attached. If you have never had the pleasure of reading this novel, I recommend it warmly.

Also passionate about music, Hoffmann gave up his third name, «Wilhelm», for that of «Amadeus» in homage to Mozart, his model, and became music critic, then composer. He is thus the author of several operas, in particular Ondine, which is taken from a tale of his friend Friedrich de La Motte-Fouqué (1777-1843), as well as vocal and instrumental works.
Veröffentlicht von sapholover
vor 2 Jahren
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MEEoww => 'Hello Pussy'
«Do you think it's easy to be a cat? Do you? Yes? You're perfectly right.» Garfield, the cat. Tourlou!
an laurent7891 : Thank you very much for your sweet comment, my dear Laurent. As you say so well, it’s a shame that the geographical distance separates us. On the other hand, to overcome this problem, there remains culture, literary, of course, as well as technology, which allows us to communicate our favorites, small and big. I confess, without any false humility, that I have a fairly well-stocked library. And I am convinced that the same goes for you. Personally, I love everything that is classical, whether it is literature or cinema. As for music and the arts, my tastes cover a much wider spectrum.  In music alone, the composers I prefer range from Claudio Monteverdi to Iannis Xenakis and other avant-garde composers, such as Serge Garant to Claude Vivier, on the Québec side. That being said, I am sure I would feel like a fish in the water if I had access to your library. My dream? To be able to remain on a huge planet, where all the knowledge created by humanity would be preserved. The Argentinean Jorge-Luis Borgès, with its ideal library concept evoqued this ideal long before me. Finally, going back to the main theme of my new blog, I knew you loved cats, as much as I do. As you say so well, it is the cat that tames us and not the other way around. We are still his/her «tenant». Cats have this finesse, this subtlety of letting us believe that we are the ones who direct them, when in reality, it is quite the opposite. That is why your kind comment makes me all the more pleased and honored, coming from a man as cultured and sensitive as you. On that note, I wish you a wonderful day, too. Your lifelong friend. Pierre 
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Hello my dear friend Sapholover, what an impressive level of culture... too bad you are so far away, we could share many things around History and the Arts in particular, I have the chance to live in a country and a region, which is full of treasures ... and I have in my library some old books (17, 18 and 19th century) that you would certainly like to browse... and that I will be happy to show you. Thank you for this tribute to cats... he is the friend of artists and has always been... musicians, writers, painters... although not being an artist, I have a cat that makes me happy, as I hope to do his... finally, I live with him... it's his home... :wink: . I am only a tenant of this little ball of hair that decides everything! Thank you once again, My Friend, for this very interesting text. I wish you a wonderful day. :smile:
Thank you for your kind comment, SeaStories. Reading this novel as a tee**na**ger left me with an indelible memory. This writing is both lightness and depth, in the image of the work of Mozart, whose writer was a fervent admirer. I would be really surprised if you were disappointed. This novel is full of subtle humour. Some passages are even downright hilarious! And we also feel all the affection, even the love that Hoffmann had for his cat, especially towards the end of the novel. I’m not sure, but I think you can read the whole novel, in English, free online. So, if you’re interested in my reading suggestion, you don’t have to buy the book. If you read it, I’d like to hear from you.  