367 – A Quick Trip To Town

I was having my lunch and enjoying some peace and quiet when I got a call from Vera, the head teacher.. she was very pleasant and asked how I was dealing with the increased work load, I had many labels at the school being jack of all trades and master of none..

I told her that I could manage the manual side of things and dealing with the students but it was the administrative side of the job that was holding me back, she then informed me that she’d come to the same conclusion and that she was willing to get me an assistant and said that I’d be responsible for interviewing the right candidate, this would undoubtedly free me up and I excitedly agreed to her suggestion..

I needed to in a few errands into town and decided to walk giving myself time to think about Vera’s proposal and come up with a strategy to get the right person, what qualities I was looking for and what role she would play, admin work is best suited for a female member of society although I knew I couldn’t discriminate..

I decided to take a short cut through the park as where I needed to go was that side of town plus the scenic environment would help my thought process and as I entered there was the usual dog walkers and joggers doing their circuit training and that was a pleasant sight with their tight fitting leggings showing off their fit and toned physique.. of course some are never good to look at and really should consider wearing an outfit conducive to their body shape..

As I got closer to the little cafe I could see a couple of young ladies doing yoga on the grass and this prompted me to sit down and have a rest and enjoy the eye candy for as long as it lasts.. both of them were wearing tight shorts that didn’t leave much to the imagination and sports bras, one even smiled at me as I sat myself down at a table facing them..

She must have told her friend that they had an audience as the other lady who had her back to me also turned her head and the look on her face didn’t seem so welcoming thinking that I was some kind of pervert or something sitting watching them stretching their bodies in a very seductive way, well that’s yoga for you.. certainly beautiful to watch..

After about 15 minutes of smiles from one and frowns from the other they decided to call it a day and I have to say I was sitting there a little excited as they got their kit bags together and I was thinking how nice it would be for the smiling blonde girl to come and say hello however as they parted ways the blonde left heading towards the car park leaving the grumpy brunette to head toward my direction giving me a scowling look before heading to the cafe for some refreshment, of course it didn’t help the fact I was staring at her tight crotch showing a puffy cameltoe and then turned my head as she walked by to view her perfectly symmetrical arse cheeks clearly showing her shorts wedged into her crack, could they get any tighter..

“Dirty pervert” she mumbled under her breath as she passed by and I noticed her glancing down at the bulge that was appearing inside my shorts.. why do people dress this way and then complain when you check them out? no need to be rude about it..

I was just about to pop into the toilet when I saw this frumpy old lady with a mop and bucket appear from nowhere and scuttle down the path towards to toilet block behind the cafe and just when I needed to go, I didn’t notice the brunette creep up on me.. “So mate, are you a professional pervert or is this a spare time activity” she said rather abruptly which made me jump out of my skin, I turned my head and looked right at her full breasts heaving inside her tight fitting sports bra with little beads of sweat running down her tight cleavage, my eyes drifted downwards to her tight shorts turned over at the waist and I couldn’t help but admire the tightness of her puffy crotch clearly showing the outline of her labia lips, her thigh gap expanded due to the tightness of her shorts..

"Excuse me?” I gasped as my eyes drifted back up to see her drinking her bottle of water she’d just purchased to cool off..

My bulge was just about subsiding however this close up view of her toned body soon had that coming back to life as the lady moved around the side of me and had a very good view of my bulging shorts as my cock started to respond.. “You’re just one of these old perverts that spy on us women, look at you.. (She glanced at my crotch).. you’re not even dressed properly.. that’s disgusting” she blurted out and I could see that she wasn’t happy with me checking out her body..

“How would you like it” she said sternly as she purposely looked down at my shorts which was starting to show signs of life.. “Haha.. what do they call you eh? little John?” she grunted and giggled taking a longer look than she should’ve maybe giving me an opportunity to look at her chest in close up as she leant forward..

“Your type disgust me always looking at a pretty woman, what do you like best huh.. what gets you going you fucking pervert.. (she leant forward).. my tits? You like my tits?.. (she straightened up and widened her legs).. or maybe my pussy.. you like a nice pussy old man?.. (she turned around and bent forward).. or maybe you like a bit of ass? You disgust me” she said in a somewhat angry voice as she straightened up again turning to face me, her face was almost red as she tried to belittle me unknowing that her outburst was actually turning me on..

I was kinda speechless and for whatever reason she was upset and I couldn’t figure out why so I thought it best to be humble and let her have her rant although she did seem keen on showing off her toned young body.. “I’m sorry if me sitting here offends you dear, but it really isn’t what you think although I have to say you do have a great body” I said back at her trying not to be too obvious as to where I was looking.. she seemed to calm down a little and very nearly smiled.. “Oh, do you think so, but it’s still no reason to stare..” she said in a much calmer tone..

“Anyway, why are you still here, you don’t even have a drink” she added as she took a gulp of her water and I figured there was no reason to lie.. “I’m waiting to use the toilet but the cleaner is in there” I said with a pained look on my face as truth is I really did need a piss, the young brunette laughed.. “Haha.. it’s only old Doris mate, why don’t you go in the bushes.. I’ll even keep a lookout for you” she said but I wasn’t sure that was a good thing, she’d only peep and mock me further..

“Oh I doubt she’ll be long now; I’ll try to hold it” I said gracefully even though her offer did seem interesting.. “Your choice mate. What’s your name anyway, I’m Kelly” she said calming down but still standing with her toned legs slightly apart teasingly and I could see her glancing down at my shorts, maybe it would be good to take her up on it.. “I’m Bill and you know, I’m not sure I can hold it much longer” I said as I stood up and she noticed my slight bulge straight away.. “I think you need to hurry Bill.. follow me I know a secluded little spot” she said excitedly as she started to walk towards the little track that led to the toilet which I knew had a path leading behind the toilet, I followed close behind looking at her arse cheeks wobble as she walked trying to control myself as pissing with a boner is not easy…

We got to the small clearing and Kelly stood by the entrance while I went past her, she glanced down again at my shorts which was now showing a bigger bulge as my cock started to stiffen with the thought of pissing with an audience albeit she’s promised not to look but I felt her curiosity might just get the better of her.. “Go on then old man, do your business.. I never seen a man piss before” she said excitedly as I stood a few feet away and turned to face the bushes.. “Oh.. you want to watch do ya” I said back at her as she took another gulp of water from her bottle.. she gave me a rather burning look.. “I don’t want to watch coz I think it’s disgusting but I figured you’d want me to see your little penis spraying your piss everywhere, that’s what perverts do isn’t it” she said sternly as she stepped a little closer, I was nervous but excited as I stood there…

“I think you should probably take your shirt off too Bill, you don’t want the breeze to blow that stinky piss over your body now do you” she blurted out as she inched even closer, I wasn’t sure of her latest demand as that would leave me in a very vulnerable position once I’ve dropped my shorts.. “Really.. do you think so” I responded and that burning look returned to her face, “Just do it old man” she replied sternly as I started to fumble with my shirt which I knew once off would show my bulge in much more detail..

I decided to go along with it more because she was getting angry although I don’t know why I was letting her boss me about and I don’t think 30 is exactly an ‘old man’ but she was starting to excite me and as I pulled my shirt up over my head my bulging shorts were, as I thought, in full view..

I dropped my shirt onto the grass and her gaze was fixed on my bulge which was now pushing against my waistband.. “Oh right, like you’re gonna piss with that” she barked seeing my erection under my shorts and I knew it was going to be difficult and my bladder was full and starting to hurt, she moved a little closer and was now in arm’s length away from me..

“Why have you got an erection old man, you’re such a pervert.. come on, get it out and let’s see you piss” she barked sternly as she got down onto her knees to get a better view, I hesitated as I looked down at her cleavage and could see her nipples starting to poke through the thin fabric of her sports bra.. “Oh come on old man, drop your shorts, I don’t have all day” she growled and I certainly didn’t want to piss her off any more so I carefully pulled my shorts over my throbbing erection and let them slide down my legs leaving me totally naked with my pulsing cock just inches from her face, my balls hanging down the like a couple of walnuts, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped as she surveyed my boner..

“Why is it so hard old man? Oooh it looks disgusting.. so are you going to piss then.. Oh come on.. let’s see it” she barked showing no signs of letting up.. “Um.. it’s difficult with an erection Kelly, plus you’re kinda in the way” I said softly back as I reached down and took hold of it giving it a gentle rub which certainly wasn’t going to soften it but she remained still just looking at my gentle actions.. “Oh don’t worry about that old man, why are you rubbing it, that’s really bad” she said as she kept up her angry persona..

“I find that rubbing it will help to open up my bladder Miss, it’s hard” I said as I basically started to wank in front of her face, maybe if I could lose the erection the bladder will open and all will be good, she wasn’t convinced..

Oh god, never in my life have I seen such a pervert like you old man.. you’re being so disgusting now, all I wanted was to see you pissing and you can’t even do that properly..” she said as she sat back on her knees with her eyes transfixed on my crude display of masturbation..

“Sorry Kelly, maybe we should call it a day then” I suggested but she was having none of it.. “Oh no, I’m not leaving until I seen you piss, whatever it takes I wanna see it” she said a little softer as I got into a rhythm and I could see she was curious about my helmet playing peek a boo as I wanked in front of her face, I wondered if she realised what was going to happen and her reluctance to move would end up in a complete facial, personally I did t care about that as she deserved all that was coming to her (pardon the pun) but I knew that if I ejaculated then my cock would soften and I’d be able to do what she was so determined to see..

I started to up the pace and was getting a little breathless pounding my meat and Kelly just sat there on her heels watching me like it was something she’d never witnessed before and I think she was starting to get a little impatient, I was ready to blow and I wasn’t going to give her any warning, “This should help” I mumbled as I felt the pressure building inside me..

The look on her face was priceless as my spunk flew out of my cock.. “Holy shit” she gasped as the first and most violent spurt hit her smack in the middle of her shocked face, I squeezed my penis to allow the pressure to build and the second spurt was aimed right at her tits.. “What the fuck old man..” she gasped in total disbelief as the final spurts landed…

“Oops.. sorry about that Miss” I said catching my breath and I could feel I was ready to empty my bladder just as she wanted, my cum was running down her face and into her mouth and I could see in her eyes she wasn’t too pleased with the taste.. “Eeew this is so disgusting” she blurted out as my cum dribbled out of her mouth down onto her chest.. “You gonna piss now old man” she gasped and I was now in a position to fulfil her wish.. I don’t know what she was expecting and with my now semi hard cock in my hand I had better control.. “Oh yeah” I replied as I let myself go..

“Oh fuck yeah” she gasped open mouthed as my golden stream shot out with some force splashing the cum from her face, I tried to aim at her open mouth and could see her swallowing my piss quite quickly..

I was so surprised that she not only wanted to see me piss but wanted to drink it too and right out of the blue she reached her arms forward grabbing my arse cheeks and pulling me towards her with mouth still open and my golden urine flowing out of her mouth, she took my softening penis right into her mouth as the velocity started to slow, “Mmmmmmmmmm” she sighed as she wrapped her lips around my bellend drinking the rest down without a murmur.. “My god Miss” I said surprisingly as I felt her tongue swirling around my helmet and my cock was starting to react again, she completely changed her attitude as she started to quite forcefully bring me back to an erection..

She started to bob her head back and forth like a woman possessed using her saliva to lubricate and I knew that at this rate I’d soon be sharing my load with her, my knees were trembling as this weird woman quite expertly brought me to the brink and she showed no signs of pulling back and as I gave out a loud grunt I felt my cock pulsating and shooting my load hard and fast into her mouth..

She didn’t make a sound as she swallowed what she could letting the overflow run out of her mouth dribbling down her chin dropping conveniently down onto her chest..

As I caught my breath she finally pulls back licking her lips, I must say that she did look a bit of a mess, she looked up at me and very nearly smiled.. “God, look at me.. pass me your shirt old man” she said rather abruptly and as much as I didn’t want to I instinctively reached down and grabbed my tee shirt passing it quickly to her and then watched totally gobsmacked as she wiped herself clean.. with my shirt..

She stood herself up wiping every drop of cum and piss from her body and then handed me the messy shirt.. “Hmm.. next time wait for the cleaner to finish” she said abruptly as she turned and walked away, not even a thank you and have a nice day, I was left standing there naked with a semi hard penis and a shirt covered in my discharges and I hadn’t even got to town yet, what the fuck do I do now.. I certainly couldn’t continue my journey nor could I return to school, I was left in a quandary and even as I put my shorts on they looked stained..

There was only one option I could think of and that was to go into the toilets and rinse my shirt out in the sink, it wouldn’t take long to dry and then I could continue into town, hopefully Doris would be gone by now…

To Be Continued….
Veröffentlicht von britguy
vor 1 Monat
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Awesome story, maybe next time instead of your shirt you could lick her clean. 
Fucking excellent.
hot love out door
Another great story 