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  1. Sharc's script keeps 50 percent of the original frames from QTGMC() and synthesizes the other 50 percent. My script keeps 75 percent of the original frames and synthesis only 25 percent. I did it that way to keep synthesized frames to a minimum (because motion interpolation often generates ugly artifacts).

    Note that SelectEvery(4,1,3) is the same as SelectOdd().

    I don't know if StaxRip supports RIFE() and z_ConvertFormat().
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  2. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Sharc's script keeps 50 percent of the original frames from QTGMC() and synthesizes the other 50 percent. My script keeps 75 percent of the original frames and synthesis only 25 percent. I did it that way to keep synthesized frames to a minimum (because motion interpolation often generates ugly artifacts).

    Note that SelectEvery(4,1,3) is the same as SelectOdd().
    Yes. My variant was based on the proposal of @buzz1891, motion interpolated to 50fps, because I always fond baserate QTGMC to look "stroboscopic" due to the shorter camera aperture time of the 25i original footage. Could probably be improved by adding motion blur for baserate QTGMC though.

    Can't help with StaxRip either.
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