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  1. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 15th May 2024
    • Replies: 29
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    Thanks, what Software do you use for this comparison?

    So i think i will use the 7_2 Version.

    And yes, i still would not upload personal videos in public.
  2. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 14th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    For sure i do not play "games". I have really no time for playing games.

    The point is, it is not looking right. I can not just use output-PAR, because the input-PAR is unknown. Yes, i can use as Input 12/11 or similair, but it does look not as i feel it should. That's why i asked here for others to have a look on a picture. That's why i don't ask you, which PAR or resolution i should take, because i already now that. And The output-PAR is 1/1. My Player also does not stretch it wrong.

    And i can not deliver a video because of privacy. I do not censor faces for fun. And i don't know how to censor a whole video. So that's why it is a picture. And the reason because it is a screenshot and not an actual frame: It doesn't matter for my question. As i said, i know what PAR i could take. But it does not look right for me. And also for some other it does not look right. People asked for specific frames that they can have a look on the resolution and then tell me, what i have to use. As i said: That's not what my question was about. My question was only about "which one is wrongly stretched".

    If you can not tell me that or not have time for that, that's ok. But i have really no time for playing games...
  3. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 14th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    Ok, i found another scene. It is not a square, but i think it is even better: A ball. A ball should be (in 2D) always a circle, doesnt matter which perspective, isn't it?

    So here is an example. Is this a better one ? The ball is not moving there on this scene, so it sits on his hand.

    Edit: i have even 2 better one: some couple frames later he do lett the ball fall, so the hand is not in the way (but the ball is nearly not moving because it is only 2-3 frames after letting the ball fall):

    (I think the 7 is less stretched. What do you think ?)
  4. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 14th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    i only asked for some, which can tell out of a picture, if it is stretched wrong. Nothing else. No reason to be unfriendly. If you can't tell it with that information, that's fine. But no reson for beeing unfriendly.

    And for sure there is a way. You can search objects, where you know the shape (circle for example).
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Im trying to insert an audio (which i edited in audacity) into virtualdub2 (so into a video i cut on virtualdub 2).

    The problem is: When i export the audio in audacity it gets shorter/longer. So the saving-process makes it shorter/longer. So i can edit the audio, save it and load it back into audacity and then the saved version is longer/shorter than the one before the save. It appears on aac, not on ogg or on .wav. But i need sth, which i can muxe into an mp4 container and i can't do that with .wav in ffmpeg gui or anything else.

    ogg works, but the problem is, i dont know much about that (compatibility wise). So when i want the audio playable on any device, is oog a good idea? It should be playable for example on tv, smartphone, laptop, basically any device which can play a video.

    So would you say it is a good idea to use ogg instead of aac in a video ?
  5. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 14th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    It is difficult to find sth, which you know it has to be 100% square. That's why i searched for (big) circles. But i can search again, maybe i find sth better.

    I could post a video, when i find sth without people on it but with a good visible circle/square. But i did not found one. Or when i could censor a person in a video (a person which is moving around).

    Edit: But a side-question: Can i somehow change the stretch from the one video to the other without reencoding (so only muxing) ? Because for having the same PAR (1/1) it needs a different resolution. I guess i can't do that without a reencode?
  6. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 14th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    That's exactly NOT what i want to do.

    If it is not possible to deside which one is the non-stretched one without known a resolution, then you can't see it. That's why i dont say it, because you would just look on resolution and not really on the picture. That's why i asked here.
  7. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 13th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    Ah ups xD

    Thats true.

    So then it is 2 vs 1 :D

    Sharc say the opposite. I think also the upper one is the correct.

    @Sharc: Why do you mean the upper one is the wrong one? Which part did you use for comparing? Or did i also understand you wrong?
  8. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 13th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    Yeah exactly, that what i also see. the lower rear wheel looks elongated. But why should this one be the "good" one? Because you said the lower one is it.

    Edit: And yes, the wheel should be perfectly in front of the camera. But it is very hard to find sth circle (and big) perfectly in front of the camera.
  9. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 13th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    Hmm, why the lower one? The wheel from the lower one looks wider than high. I also counted the pixels and the upper one is more circly than then lower one.

    So the lower one is the "Bild53.png" right ?

    What do you mean with assess a circle ? You mean to search a circle in the video? Thats what i tried with the wheel. And the upper one is more circle (when you measure the pixelcount the upper one is more circle). So on the left wheel of the bike.
  10. Which video has wrong stretch ?

    Posted By Platos 13th May 2024
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    Forum: Newbie / General discussions
    by Platos Go to last post
    i have two videos and need help with the desicion which of them has the wrong "stretch". I will show you a screenshot of it (because it is a personal video, i cut of the head in the picture). I do deliver not more information on purpose because of a "blind test".

    Which one of these pictures does show a wrong stretch? I ask you that, because i am not 100% sure. It is only about the stretch, not the picture quality.

    I will not tell you (now) what i think which one the "right" one is (or if none of them are).

    I would be glad if some of you could borrow me your eyes for a short time :)

    Ps. Maybe look at it on full-size and switch with alt+tab or so. Maybe that makes it easier.
    • Replies: 7
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    Forum: Editing
    by Platos Go to last post
    to come back to that topic (i had to solve other problems with the videos before):

    I tried it now with ffmpeggui, mkvtoolnix and shutter encoder. With ffmpeggui it does not work at all. after the first video it does "freeze", so it does not play further. mkvtoolnix works somehow, but on the video it occurs a stutter on the position where the new video should actually be merged. So i can't use that.

    With Shutter encoder it does work better, but when i import this video into virtualdub, it does crash on some of the frames. So sth is wrong there.

    This is all done with videos which were encoded with same encoding-settings (h.264 same settings + mp4 and same audio (aac) and same settings).

    When i use the .avi file which were created by virtualdub (because i had to cut them perfectly to allign perfectly), it does work even worse.
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post

    btw. the async was fluctuating in short times. Sometimes i had a lot of async in 60sec, sometimtes nothing and sometimes even 2 async in wrong direction (so the first 30 sec to early and after that it was to late).

    Thanks to all!
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Special thanks to davexnet and ProWo for their personal help on pm, but sadly the audio was still async.

    Good news (for me): I did manage to make it sync now. How? With very hard work:

    I did import the working audio from the new capture (with a perfect cut) and did then import the (then) not working audio from the old capture. I did cut at start as long the audio was starting at the same spot (i testet this by playing both audios and hear if it sounds like one voice).

    Then i did the hard work. It took me around 50 manual "tempo" changes in audacity. I did always calculate the time-difference from the new audio to the old audio between two spots (mostly ~60s each time) and then did change tempo by that. This worked quite well. At the end i had to change speed in 20s rate because little unaccuracy accumulated. But it worked super well.

    I should do this right at beginning instead of searching hours over hours for a solution. Yeah ok, it took me around an hour editing the audio, but at the end it was worth it. And im glad i had to do this only on this video. On the other videos i used the old audio, a simple stretch was enough (i found out later, because the worst video was the first and i thought all are like that).
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Because it is private as i said. But i can send it as pm if you want.

    yes, i did the capture in virtual dub (new capture). the old capture i dont know. Someone else did it.

    I feel like the capture itself is just broken (so the old one). but it is not async on the old video. just on the new video. So both video and audio is different between the new/old one.

    but yeah, if you want the audio, tell me. Then i send it to you
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Probably i would "only" need a tool, which can fix an increasing delay. so a delay, which increases over time. Technically this would work, if i could "stretch" the audio all 5 seconds or so. But it is clear, that i can't do that manually for 12 video each 45minutes long (And also i would need to know how much i have to stretch each 5 seconds part). Is there any tool/gui where you can like experiment with sth like a "acceleration" ? I mean you can change audio temp (like "velocity"). But i need sth like "acceleration" to change an increasing delay.

    Any idea? Maybe i can solve it then by myself.

    Probably it is sth like that (hypothetical example): I get all 1 second an additional 2ms on top. So after 45min it is 5.4seconds delay. I would need a tool where i could enter the delay at (for example) 0 or 1 minute and at 45minute and then you can calculate the "acceleration" of the delay. Or a tool where i can enter a "acceleration" of the delay (how much increase over time = acceleration). So mathematically this should be possible. Is there any tool for that? Calculating acceleration should be no problem for me. I just could compare the 2 audio and calculate.

    Edit: I found out it is even more complicatet. When i look at 30 seconds of audio the delay does change several times. First it is sholrt, then unexistant, then large and so on. Super strange audio.
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Ok, i will send you a message in 8 min when file is uploaded. Hold on please ^^

    i would be glad if you look over it.

    Edit: I can also send it someone else (in PM) who wants to help. So if you want to have a look on it, tell me, i can send you then.
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Edit: I found out, that the audio from the old capture is less stretched. So it is like of it would have another framerate. but both videos have the same framerate.

    But i dont know how to stretch that audio correctly. When increase speed in audacity, it does (at the end) match perfectly, but everything in the middle is completly wrong. so it does not get stretched correctly.

    Does anyone here have an idea how to stretch an audio ?
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    That does not help. It produced the exact same wrong video like when using virtual dub.
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    im now done with most videos, but there is a new problem i can't manage:

    Some of the vhs-videos from the new capture have worse audio than the one from the old capture. So i did cut the audio from the new capture perfect (and it is also working perfect). Then i inserted the audio from the old capture side by side in audacity. then i did cut the beginning in that way, that both audio sounds like one, when playing (no async). And then cut off the end from the old capture-audio, that it matches the length of the audio from the new capture.

    So at the end i have 2 audio, one from the old capture and one form the new capture. both are 100% sync and 100% same lengt. When i use the new capture audio on the new caputre video it is 100% fine. But when i use the old (actually 100% same length) file, it is TOTALLY messed up. It is like 4seconds async, but the longer the video takes the more async it is. So it is again not just a simple delay. the delay gets bigger and bigger. But strange is, that the exact same length audio from the old caputre does not work, while the one from the new capture does work. And both are starting at same milisecond and when played together, the audio sounds like one (so perfect matched).

    I did this on virtualdub2. Just inserting the audio from the old-capture and save. that's enough to mess up the audio at all.

    also when i encode the new capture video with the new capture-audio it works fine. But when i then insert the audio from the old capture-video it just dont works.
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Holy mother of video, it worked! Video is now not shorter anymore after encoding!! So it is "fixable" with "just" remuxing (while inserting the cut audio, not the original). So as described in #18

    So thank you very much to all of you for your help!

    That would not help, because the audio actually has no problem, it is/was the video which was shorter.
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Thanks. I will try that. But the Audio is still longer than the video in the original capture. So would you exchange the audio with a "fixed" one when muxing in mkv? I think this would be better, right ?

    Edit: When i drag&drop the video into virtualdub2 and then just save the video without doing sth the audio-track has then the same length like the videotrack. But when i then look at the audiotrack in audacity it still has this "dead-end" with no sound. So i think i will insert the "fixed" audio and mux it with the video to make both same length and THEN i encode it. And then lets see if it works...
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Update: It did NOT work with cutting the audio before!!

    I cut the audio from 45min 40sec to 45min 36sec as in the video (there was a dead line with no sound for the last 4 seconds). Then loaded this audio in hybrid and did an encode.... It did not work.

    Last time it was like that (look on picture above): Raw video was 45min 36sec video and 45min 40sec audio and the encoded was 45min 33sec video and 45min 36sec audio. NOW the new encode is 45min 33sec video and 45min 36sec audio.

    So the video still gets cut down to far. BUT as i said: The video is totaly fine when played, it is just wrong, when you jump to a specific time. Then the video is completly wrong!

    Has anyone an idea?
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    That's technically true, but as i said when i play them side by side 16 minutes it does not "loose" any frames or so. audio and video is sync. BUT when i jump in the timeline of the video, then the encoded one has async video.

    I did now cut off the audio and i will see if it works. Video is encoding now 65%. Soon i will see if the problem is solved now.
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Hmm yes, that should be helping, when i dont want to reencode the video.

    But, what i wonder... The video itself is also different in lengt between the .avi and the encoded .mp4. So when i just calculate the stretch it would probably not match, because the video isnt same lengt anymore... So actually the video is speed up. But i dont understand that, because mediainfo says 25fps both videos and both videos does have the same content but the video is not same lengt... makes no sense for me. FPS must be different if videolength would be different.

    So i am not sure if i can fix that without reencoding and fixing audio before encoding.

    Edit: Because i see now that this audio-video length-difference also is present on basically all my other vhs caputres. but it is just not that extrem on the other i did not realise it. I feel like i have to reencode 23 1 hour videos again xD
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Ah, i did not see the audio-track is longer... Hmm, ok i have to check that. thanks. i will then try that with adacity and see if i can cut off.

    i checked the quality of reencoding and it is no visual loss for crf 18. everything else is lossy for my eyes.

    Edit: You are right, it has just some seconds audio which is nothing (straight line). but it is really longer than the video. if you wathc the video you dont recognise that. And if you look at the audio tracks side by side in audacity you will not notice until you zoom in far AND go to the end ( i did check for sure sth in the middle, if they are sync and not the end). Let's see if this works now for encoding.

    i will also check all other vhs captures if they have longer audio than video (have some more with that problem, but maybe there are even more).

    ..encoded with clever FFmpeg-GUI :)[/QUOTE]
    • Replies: 32
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Sure, i can do that, but the video has no different framerates. It would also not be possible to watch 16 minutes side by side without a video-delay (and also no audio delay), if they would have different framerates. But here is the screenshot:

    To say it again: The video (and also audio) has no delay, when i play them side by side. But when i jump somewhere (on the timeline), then i get directly a async on the video (not the audio. The audio is sync between the two videos when playing side by side from (for example) 36minutes, but the video is totally async on the encoded one). And btw: I did now several test with different encodings. So only a h.264 encode with pcm to AAC (because of mp4 container) --> same result. One time i did it with h.264 and mkv and did not even touch the audio (no reencode) and same problem. One time i used NVENC H265 and same result... I did not apply any other filter or sth like that.

    Edit: Here the second picture (with only one media-info window) is an example of a other vhs-video (encoded with hybrid), which is totally fine. no video-delay after skipping. So it is very strange. I did recapture the vhs-video btw 3 times and it is always the same. The capture is fine, but the encode is ugly. It does not only happen on this one, also 3-4 other videos are affected by this problem.
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Ok, i did a test and it is super strange:

    I watched 16 minutes (arranged them manually) and i could not hear any difference between the two and also the picture was synchron. But when i both skip to (for example) 02:00 min then the encoded one is already delayed (the video is delayed only, audio is sync compared to the second video). So: when i skip, video is not sync anymore and therefore the (actually synced) audio is not sync anymore to the wrong video. When i skip to 35minutes audio is still sync between the two videos, but the video is very hard delayed. The encoded one is like several seconds to early.

    This is super strange. The delay gets bigger the further i skip. And i tested this behavior with mpc and vlc. both the same. It seems to be the video. But as i said: When i just let the video play without skipping, then there is no delay.
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    How can i play a video side-by-side (perfectly) ? I mean beside manually.

    And the video both have same amount of seconds while the encoded one has several seconds audio delay (at the end). both have fix framereate according to mediainfo.

    but i will do, good idea.
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    I did encode an old VHS capture with hybrid and after encoding (to .mp4 and audio aac) the audio is synchron at start but asynchron at the end.

    I tried several things but it feels very strange:

    I did import both audio to audacity. So the one from the original PMC (.avi file) and the AAC one (.mp4 encoded file). Both Audio-tracks looks EXACTLY the same, even zoomed in very far. I thought the AAC audio should be stretched at the end or so, but it is not.

    Ok, then i thought hybrid did sth wrong. So i importet the PMC audio into audacity and exportet it to AAC. Then i importet this audio in the encoded .mp4 video with ffmpeg-gui and deleted the other one: Same behavior ???

    Ok, i thought, maybe it is the player, so i switched from mpc to vlc: Same behavior. Same with windows default media player.
  11. old vhs noisy/rushy audio problem

    Posted By Platos 3rd May 2024
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Yeah, VHS-Time was when i was Young. And also i did not touch a VCR or VCR remot for like 20 years or so :D

    But question to Audio: I did load the whole capture into audacity and saw, that the right audio track is working fine (as you 2 said). So can i just delete the left and make the right to stereo (so basically use the right track for both sides)? I mean the Video-Camera did only have one microphone i think. It does not have a two microphones. Or do i understand that wrong? Im totally new on audio editing.

    Is that a good idea?

    Edit: Wait, how can i bring back the audio in the video in audacity? i feel like it does only extract the audio but then i can't put it back ?

    Edit2: Ok, i did it now and i think it is a good idea to just use the right track as both (left and right). and i can export the audio in aduacity and in the ffmpeg gui i can import the new one and delete the old one.
  12. old vhs noisy/rushy audio problem

    Posted By Platos 3rd May 2024
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Better use your souce avi captures with the uncompressed audio?

    And again, check/change your VCR audio settings during playback if it makes a difference.[/QUOTE]

    I did already encode (video editing) all captured videos. in mp4 i can not take PCM (hybrid says that) and if i would take the PCM version from the .avi files, i would have to mux them in again and also set the delay again. Can i somehow "read out" a delay i gave ? Because otherwise i would have to manually test out that again.

    Edit: But how should i change the settings from audio on a vcr ?
  13. old vhs noisy/rushy audio problem

    Posted By Platos 3rd May 2024
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    thanks both for the information. Can audiotest "cure" the problems? Because the free trial from aboth needs a registration and audacity needs ffmpeg to open aac (i will try that with audacity and ffmpeg, but more possibilities is always better).

    To know later how to do that, i will post the "guide" here:

    (because i already installed it for the ffmpeg-gui).

    Edit: The portable version from audacity does not allow you to choose a ffmpeg directory. only the installed version.
    Edit2: und man braucht die ffmpeg 6.1.1 shared version, nicht die 7.x Version. Die wird nicht erkannt.
  14. old vhs noisy/rushy audio problem

    Posted By Platos 3rd May 2024
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    ah wait, i can download this only with registering there ?
  15. old vhs noisy/rushy audio problem

    Posted By Platos 3rd May 2024
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    thx, i will try it out. if someone knows sth which is free (real free), i would be still interested.
  16. old vhs noisy/rushy audio problem

    Posted By Platos 3rd May 2024
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Yeah, that's what i thought. I can't do sth against that on capturing.

    That's why i ask for audio noise filtering-guis. Do you know anything who could maybe handle this stuff?
  17. old vhs noisy/rushy audio problem

    Posted By Platos 3rd May 2024
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    it's only on this capture, all other works well on the same set-up. and also another person did capture the same tape 3 years ago and it is the exactly same noise at the exactly same time.

    So i think it is not solvable with a new capture. I can not buy another vcr and i also have no tv to connect.

    But yes, it is captured with PCM uncompressed (this is only a reencode, but it is the same on .avi file).
  18. old vhs noisy/rushy audio problem

    Posted By Platos 3rd May 2024
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    I have some vhs captures which has very strong shhhhh noises (not native english speaker sry). It is not because of wind/air noises. it sounds like when a cable of an audio-system is not connected correctly or when you touch the cable mixed with a "shhhh". I did recapture the vhs tape and it is still exactly the same, so i think it is a problem of the tape or of the camera-capture itself.

    But do you guys know any tool where i can fix such problems? I do not like such programs like davinci and so on. I would like more tools like virtualdub and such stuff. But i need a gui. And for sure i search for free software.

    Edit: here is a sample:
    Edit 2: or another sample with even stranger sound:
    • Replies: 7
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    Forum: Editing
    by Platos Go to last post
    With ffmpeg-gui i can cut without reencoding (i believe). Is there any tool (gui) which can "merge" two (actually 3) videos together and without reencoding ?

    If not: Do you know any tool (gui) which can do it with encoding? I do NOT like tools like Davinci or this stuff. I like more stuff like Hybrid or Virtualdub and so on. Maybe you know what i mean. And for sure i search for free software.

    I have a video which is shorter than the original (but it is better quality). So that means i have to cut-off the parts (at start and end) from the original (the one are missed) and then "stick" it to the start and end of the better quality version.
    • Replies: 8
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    Forum: Audio
    by Platos Go to last post
    Thanks, it worked... But i found out mkvtoolnix can only output mkv ?

    Anyway, i used now the ffmpeg gui. This one worked with mp4 output. Normally i use always mkv, but this time i have to use mp4. I will hold both tools.
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