/** * NeverBlock * * Version 3.7 * Copyright (C) 2016 EXADS */ // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols var ExoLoader; (function () { var version = '3.7'; var detection_started = false; var detection_complete = false; var adblock_detected = false; var detector_func_queue = []; var detector = { domain_base: "exoclick.com", detectCensorship: function (onComplete) { detector_func_queue.push(onComplete); detection_started = true; var block = false; var done = function () { if (!detection_complete) { try { var checkVal = (window.document.location.protocol !== "https:" && window.document.location.protocol !== "http:") ? "https:" : window.document.location.protocol; if (typeof window.exoDocumentProtocol === "undefined" || window.exoDocumentProtocol !== checkVal ) { block = true; } } catch (err) { block = true; } adblock_detected = block; detection_complete = true; } else { block = adblock_detected; } do { var currentFunction = detector_func_queue.shift(); if (typeof currentFunction === 'function') { currentFunction(block); } } while (typeof currentFunction !== "undefined"); document.body.removeChild(testDomEl); }; if (detection_complete) { done(); return; } var testDomEl = document.createElement('iframe'), randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (10000 - 123 + 1)) + 123, protocol = window.location.protocol, id = 'adsbox_ex_' + randomNum; testDomEl.setAttribute('height', "1px"); testDomEl.setAttribute('width', "1px"); testDomEl.setAttribute('id', id); testDomEl.setAttribute('class', 'adsBox pub_300x250 pub_300x250m pub_728x90 text-ad textAd text_ad text_ads text-ads text-ad-links'); testDomEl.setAttribute('style', "width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; position: absolute !important; left: -10000px !important; top: -1000px !important; box-sizing: content-box !important; border-width: 0px !important;"); try { if (window.ExoLoader === null) { window.ExoLoader = {'dummy': 1}; if (window.ExoLoader !== {'dummy': 1}) { block = true; } } } catch (err) { block = true; } var testScript = document.createElement('script'); testScript.src = protocol + "//ads." + detector.domain_base + "/ads.js"; testScript.onerror = function () { block = true; }; document.body.appendChild(testDomEl); document.head.appendChild(testScript); var domDetect = function () { try { var someAd = document.getElementById(id); if (someAd === null || someAd.style.display === "none" || someAd.style.display === "hidden" || someAd.style.visibility === "hidden" || someAd.offsetParent === null || someAd.offsetHeight === 0 || someAd.offsetLeft === 0 || someAd.offsetTop === 0 || someAd.offsetWidth === 0 || someAd.clientHeight === 0 || someAd.clientWidth === 0 ) { block = true; } if (window.getComputedStyle !== undefined) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(someAd, null); if (style && (style.getPropertyValue('display') === 'none' || style.getPropertyValue('visibility') === 'hidden')) { block = true; } } } catch (err) { } }; var maxReadyCheckAttempts = 45; var readyCheckInterval = setInterval(function () { if (document.readyState === "complete" || maxReadyCheckAttempts == "0") { domDetect(); done(); clearInterval(readyCheckInterval); } maxReadyCheckAttempts--; }, 50); } }; function urlDomain(url) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return a.hostname; } var stylesheet = "{ %optional_styles% vertical-align:top; cursor: pointer; border: 0px solid #000000; display: inline-block; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin: 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px; }"; var debug_messages = []; var error_messages = []; var request_stack = [];// array of request objects var responses = {}; var callback_function_pushed_to_detector = false; var request_started = false; var current_request = 0; var waiting_request_queue = []; var before_detect_queue = []; var ZonesRequest = function() { this.zone_params = []; this.dom = []; this.pushZone = function(zoneParams) { this.zone_params.push(zoneParams); }; this.pushDom = function(domObj) { this.dom.push(domObj); }; }; var addDebugMessage = function (message) { var date = new Date(); debug_messages.push(date.toISOString() + ": " + message); }; var addErrorMessage = function (message) { var date = new Date(); error_messages.push(date.toISOString() + ": " + message); console.error(message); }; var URLToArray = function(url) { var request = {}; var pairs = url.substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { if(!pairs[i]) continue; var pair = pairs[i].split('='); request[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); } return request; }; var stringify = function (value) { var reassign_when_finished = false; if (typeof Array.prototype.toJSON !== 'undefined') { reassign_when_finished = true; var array_to_json = Array.prototype.toJSON; delete Array.prototype.toJSON; } var val = JSON.stringify(value); if (reassign_when_finished) { Array.prototype.toJSON = array_to_json; } return val; }; var randStr = function (length, possibleChars) { var text = ""; var possible = possibleChars || "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for( var i=0; i < length; i++ ) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; }; var createStyle = function (doc, dom_anchor, style_text) { var class_name = randStr(1,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") + randStr(7); style_text = "." + class_name + " " + style_text; var style = doc.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); style.innerHTML = style_text; dom_anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(style, dom_anchor); return class_name; }; // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols var loader = { bl_domain: null, bl_cookie_domain: null, no_cookie: false, cookie_name: "yuo1", addZone: function(params) { if (typeof params !== 'object' || typeof params.idzone === 'undefined' ) { addErrorMessage("addZone() invalid params"); return false; } // noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable var doc = params.doc || document; var scripts = doc.getElementsByTagName('script'); // The current