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Draft:Jennifer Howard-Grenville

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Jennifer A. Howard-Grenville (born 1969) is a Canadian-British organisational scientist, author, and Diageo Professor of Organisation Studies at the Cambridge Judge Business School.

Howard-Grenville’s research interests include organisation change, environmental sustainability, and organisational culture. She has taught extensively on these topics at all levels, including undergraduate, MBA, EMBA, MPhil, and PhD.



Howard-Grenville received a BSc in Engineering Physics from Queen’s University in 1990. She was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship in 1990 and received an MA in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics from the University in Oxford in 1992.

In 2000, she obtained a Ph.D. in Technology, Policy, and Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.





After receiving her Ph.D. in 2000, Howard-Grenville served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies for one year. She then became an Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the Boston University School of Management until 2007.

In 2008, Howard-Grenville was a Faculty Pioneer Award Finalist, awarded by the Aspen Institute which recognises individuals who showcase leadership and risk-taking in incorporating social and environmental issues into research and teaching.

In 2013, Howard-Grenville spent four months as a visiting professor at the Ivey School of Business, Western University (Canada). The following year, she was an academic visitor at the Saïd School of Business, University of Oxford.

From 2007 to 2015, she served as Associate Professor of Management at University of Oregon Lundquist College of Business. During her tenure, Howard-Grenville was recognised as the Thomas C. Stewart Distinguished Professor in 2013 and honoured with the Dean's Scholar Award in 2014. Additionally, she received several teaching awards, including the James E. Reinmuth MBA Teaching Excellence Award in both 2010 and 2012, as well as the "Faculty Excellence Award" from the University of Oregon in 2013.

Since 2010, Howard-Grenville has been a member of the Editorial Review Board of the Academy of Management Journal, Organisation & Environment (since 2011), and Administrative Science Quarterly (since 2018). Her work received the "Academy of Management OMT Division Best Paper Award" by Academy of Management Journal in 2010, and she was honoured with the Best Reviewer Award in 2011. Additionally, Howard-Grenville was awarded the Extraordinary Service Award (Reviewing) by Organisation Science in 2011 and 2012.

She was also an Editorial Review Board member at Organisation Science from 2009 to 2014. From 2019 to 2022, she served as Deputy Editor for Academy of Management Journal, known as one of the management field’s top journals.

In 2015, Howard-Grenville was appointed Diageo Reader in Management Studies at Cambridge Judge Business School. In 2017, she was appointed as the school’s PhD Programme Director, serving in this capacity until 2022, mentoring and teaching PhD and research MPhil students.

At the University of Cambridge, Howard-Greville is a fellow Trinity Hall college, where she aids the college’s initiatives in social impact and entrepreneurship. In 2021, she was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Currently, Howard-Grenville serves as Diageo Professor of Organisation Studies at Cambridge Judge Business School and has been awarded the "Teaching Award" by the school in both 2021 and 2023.

At the University of Cambridge, Howard-Greville is a fellow Trinity Hall college, where she aids the college’s initiatives in social impact and entrepreneurship. She also serves as the Vice Chair of the Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) organisation.



Howard-Grenville is known for her work on business sustainability, the future of work, and leadership of change through culture. She has written over 40 academic journal articles, and is the author or editor of four books.

Howard-Grenville’s research has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Academy of Management Annals, Organization Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Industrial Ecology, and several other journals.

Her work has also been featured several times in media including The New York Times, Financial Times, National Public Radio (NPR), CBC Radio (Canada), Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review and others.

Personal Life


Howard-Grenville has been married to Andrew Morgan-Grenville since 1992.

Honours and Awards

  • Rhodes Scholarship (1990 - 1992)
  • Elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (2021)

Selected Biography


Journal Publications

  • Howard-Grenville, J., & Empson, L. 2023 (forthcoming). Three Ways to Think about the Future of Work: Focus on the Who, the What, and the Why. Harvard Business Review.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Vasudeva, G., & Yiu, D. W. 2022. From the Editors—That’s Important, Interesting, and Generative: Winners of the AMJ 2021 Best Paper Award and 2022 Research Impact Award. Academy of Management Journal, 65(5), 1417-1423. Tihanyi, L., Howard-Grenville, J., & DeCelles, K.A., 2022. Joining Societal Conversations on Management and Organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 65(3), 1-9.
  • Galdon, C., Haanes, K., Halbheer, D., Howard-Grenville, J., Le Goulven, K., Rosenberg, M., Tufano, P., Whitelaw, A. (2022). Business Schools Must Do More to Address the Climate Crisis. Harvard Business Review. (February 1, 2022).
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Nelson, A., Vough, H., & Zilber, T. B. 2021. From the Editors—Achieving Fit and Avoiding Misfit in Qualitative Research. Academy of Management Journal, 64(5), 1313-1323
  • DeCelles, K. A., Howard-Grenville, J., & Tihanyi, L. 2021. From the Editors—Improving the Transparency of Empirical Research Published in AMJ. Academy of Management Journal, 64(4), 1009-1015.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., & Spengler, J. 2021. Surfing the grand challenges wave in management scholarship: how did we get here, where are we now, and what’s next? Research in the Sociology of Organizations https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.75727
  • Empson, L. & Howard-Grenville, J. 2021. How Has the Past Year Changed You and Your Organization? Harvard Business Review. (March 10, 2021).
  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2021. ESG Impact Is Hard to Measure — But It’s Not Impossible. Harvard Business Review. (January 22, 2021).
  • Hahn, T., Howard-Grenville, J., Lyon, T., Russo, M. V., & Walls, J. L. (2021). Leadership Forum on Organizations and Sustainability: Taking Stock, Looking Forward. Organization & Environment, 34(1), 3–17. https://doi.org/10.1177/1086026621992147
  • Howard-Grenville, J. & Lahneman, B. 2021. Bringing the biophysical to the fore: Re-envisioning organizational adaptation in the era of planetary shifts. Strategic Organization.
  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2021. Caring, courage and curiosity: Reflections on our roles as scholars in organizing for a sustainable future. Organization Theory. 2(1), 2631787721991143.
  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2020. Grand challenges, covid-19 and the future of organizational scholarship. Journal of Management Studies.
  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2020. How to sustain your culture when everyone is remote. MIT Sloan Management Review. (online and print editions).
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Lahnemen, B., & Pek, S. 2020. Organizational culture as a tool for change. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Lead article, June 2020.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Davis, G.F., Dyllick, T., Miller, C.C., Thau, S., & Tsui, A.S. 2019. Sustainable development for a better world: Contributions of leadership, management, and organizations. Academy of Management Discoveries. 2019, Vol. 5, No. 4, 355–366.
  • de Rond, M., Holeman, I., & Howard-Grenville, J. 2019. Sensemaking from the body: An enactive ethnography of rowing the Amazon. Forthcoming at Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1961-1988.
  • Claus, L., de Rond, M., Howard-Grenville, J., & Lodge, J. 2019. When Fieldwork Hurts: On the Lived Experience of Conducting Research in Unsettling Contexts. In Research in the Sociology of Organizations: The Production of Managerial Knowledge and Organizational Theory: New Approaches to Writing, Producing and Consuming Theory pp. 157-172. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Cornwell, T.B., Howard-Grenville, J., & Hampel, C. 2018. The company you keep: How an organization’s horizontal partnerships affect employee organizational identification. Academy of Management Review. 43(4), 772-791.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Nelson, A., Earle, A., Haack, J., & Young, D. 2017. ‘If chemists don’t do it, who’s going to?' Peer-driven occupational change and the emergence of green chemistry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 62: 524-560.
  • George, G., Howard-Grenville, J., Joshi, A., & Tihanyi, L. 2016. Introduction to the special research forum: Understanding and tackling societal grand challenges through management research. Academy of Management Journal, 59: 1880-1895.
  • Bertels, S., Howard-Grenville, J., & Pek, S. 2016. Cultural molding, shielding, and shoring at Oilco: The role of culture in the integration of routines. Organization Science, 27(3) 573-593.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Buckle, S. J., Hoskins, B. J., & George, G. 2014. From the editors: Climate change and management. Academy of Management Journal, 57(3), 615-623.
  • Nelson, A., Earle, A., & Howard-Grenville, J., Haack, J., & Young, D. 2014. Obliteration, symbolic adoption, and other finicky challenges in tracking innovation diffusion. Research Policy, 43: 927- 940.
  • Paquin, R., Tilleman, S., & Howard-Grenville, J. 2014. Is there cash in that trash? Factors influencing industrial symbiosis exchange initiation and completion. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 18: 268- 279.
  • Paquin, R. & Howard-Grenville, J. 2013. Blind dates and arranged marriages: Longitudinal processes of network orchestration. Organization Studies, 34: 1623-1653.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Metzger, M., & Meyer, A. 2013. Rekindling the flame: Processes of identity resurrection. Academy of Management Journal, 56: 113-136.
  • Paquin, R. & Howard-Grenville, J. 2012. The evolution of facilitated industrial symbiosis. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16: 83-93.
  • Aten, K., Howard-Grenville, J., Ventresca, M. 2012. A conversation at the border of culture and institutions. Journal of Management Inquiry, 21: 78-83.
  • Parmigiani, A. & Howard-Grenville, J. 2011. Routines revisited: Exploring the capabilities and practice perspectives. Academy of Management Annals, 5: 413-453.
  • Howard-Grenville, J. Golden-Biddle, K., Irwin, J., & Mao, J. 2011. Liminality as a cultural process for cultural change. Organization Science, 22: 522-539.
  • Gutierrez, B., Howard-Grenville, J. & Scully, M. 2010. The faithful rise up: Split identification and an unlikely change effort. Academy of Management Journal, 53: 673-699.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Nash, J., & Coglianese, C. 2008. Constructing the license to operate: Internal factors and their influence on corporate environmental decisions. Law & Policy, 30: 73-107.
  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2007. Developing issue selling effectiveness over time: Issue selling as resourcing. Organization Science, 18: 560-577.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., & Carlile, P. 2006. The incompatibility of knowledge regimes: Consequences of the material world for cross-domain work. European Journal of Information Systems, special issue on Knowing in Practice, 2006, 15: 473-485.
  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2006. Inside the ‘black box’: How organizational culture informs attention and action on environmental issues. Organization & Environment, 19: 46-73.
  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2005. The persistence of flexible organizational routines: The role of agency and organizational context. Organization Science, 16: 618-636.
  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2005. Explaining Shades of Green: Why do companies act differently on similar environmental issues? Law & Social Inquiry, 30: 551-581.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., & Hoffman, A. 2003. The importance of cultural framing to the success of social initiatives in business. Academy of Management Executive, 17(2): 70-84.
  • Howard, J., Nash, J., & Ehrenfeld, J. 2000. Standard or smokescreen: Implementation of a non- regulatory environmental code. California Management Review, 42(2): 63-82.
  • Howard, J., Nash, J., & Ehrenfeld, J. 1999. Industry codes as agents of change: Responsible Care adoption by chemical companies. Business Strategy and the Environment, 8(5): 281-295.


  • Howard-Grenville, J. 2007. Corporate Culture and Environmental Practice: Making Change at a High-Tech Manufacturer. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. (paperback edition 2009)
    • Reviewed in Organization & Environment, 2009. 22: 257-260 by Frank de Bakker.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Rerup, C., Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. 2016. Organizational Routines How they are Created, Maintained, and Changed. 2016. Perspectives on Process Organization Studies series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Boons, F., & Howard-Grenville, J. 2009. The Social Embeddeness of Industrial Ecology. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
    • Reviewed in Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2010. 14: 682-684 by Lei Shi.
  • Graedel, T. & Howard-Grenville, J. 2005. Greening the Industrial Facility: Perspectives, Approaches, and Tools. New York: Springer.


  • Shuckburgh, E., Zenghelis, D., Agarwala, M., Diaz Anadon, L., Howard-Grenville, J., Peñasco, C., . . . Hayes, J. (2020). A Blueprint for a Green Future - Multidisciplinary report on a green recovery from COVID-19 by the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum. Cambridge Open Engage. doi:10.33774/coe-2020-2831j.
  • Howard-Grenville, J., Bertels, S., & Boren, B. 2015. Regulatory management and culture.
    • Commissioned by Best-in-Class Regulator Initiative/Alberta Energy Regulator. Penn Program on Regulation. University of Pennsylvania Law School. https://www.law.upenn.edu/live/files/4708- howard-grenvillebertelsboren-ppr-researchpaper0620

