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Digital rights and principles: a digital transformation for EU citizens

The Commission welcomes the agreement reached with the Parliament and the Council on the European declaration on digital rights and principles. The declaration, proposed in January, establishes a clear reference point about the kind of human-centred digital transformation that the EU promotes and defends, at home and abroad.

EU digital priorities at the G20 Summit 2022

This year's edition of the G20 Summit will focus on food and energy security, health and digital transformation. To harness the benefits of the digital transformation on the global stage, the EU has set up priorities.

New Better Internet for Kids strategy at the Digital Assembly

As part of the Digital Assembly programme, a workshop entitled "Mieux protéger les mineurs sur internet/BIK" will provide an opportunity to present the newly adopted European strategy for a Better Internet for Kids (BIK+) to improve age-appropriate digital services and to ensure that every child is protected, empowered and respected online.