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Global Safer Internet Day 2014: “Let's create a Better Internet together”

Safer Internet Day is being celebrated today in over 100 countries, including the USA for the first time. Vice-President Neelie Kroes will reward the creators of the best online content for kids and, together with INSAFE, will launch a Youth Manifesto on how to make a better Internet based on ideas from young people.

Better Internet for Kids: CEO Coalition 1 year on

2013 was a busy year for the CEO Coalition: In January 2013 it committed to work in five areas and made recommendations to make the Internet a better and safer place for kids. In June, the executives of the CEO Coalition meet with Vice-President Kroes and agree to cooperate - not compete - for a better Internet for Kids. One year on, in January 2014 the companies come back with progress reports.

CEO Coalition 2014: progress reports on actions to make the Internet a Better Place for Kids

Following their individual commitments in Januray 2013, the companies implemented a series of measures in five areas:

- simple and robust reporting tools;
- age-appropriate privacy settings;
- wider use of content classification;
- wider availability and use of parental controls;
- effective takedown of child abuse material.

Detailed reports of these action are to be found in attached documents.

FIA Athens 2014 - Submit your working session proposals by 25 October 2013!

The <a href="">11th Future Internet Assembly (FIA) edition</a>, FIA Athens 2014, will be a three-day EU Greek Presidency event, supported jointly with the European Commission. It will take place during 18 to 20 March in Athens and will focus on reshaping the Future Internet infrastructure for innovation.</p>
FIA Athens 2014 will be the first FIA under Horizon 2020, allowing presenting a wider picture of Net Futures EU research activities. The programme is under preparation and the FIA Steering Committee has launched an open call to select up to nine forward-looking and inspiring working sessions. Submit your</p>