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I have to continue on my written post from last week! Scroll back if you’d like part 1, but part 1 was all about if you’re a single guy, how to find a couple to be a bull for and some of the beliefs that just aren’t true

So you’ve got a couple, now what?!?

#1 show up!! I don’t care what happens, if you bail or need to reschedule you will not be invited back again. You’re now considered unreliable.

#2 once there every couple is different. Feel them out! Some want the guy to be dominant, but what I find most times is the husband wants to feel respected and have his wife pleased. So be dominant and in control in bed, but also make it a great show for the husband. Respect and listen to their rules. 

#3 what happens after. Ok this is a HUGE thing people don’t discuss, but we have disqualified many guys because of it. As a guy, you have to be ok with the fact that after sex you are not going to get a validation text or “you performed great I loved your dick” lol you served your purpose and will be invited again if you did well the next time they want a guy. Soooo many guys will message the next day asking if she liked it or even worse message the wife! This is never good. 

My advice here - send a very basic, respectful thank you message. Something like “it was great getting to know you both. I hope we can get together again down the road”. That’s fine. After that, disappear 😂 so many guys will message us once a week asking “anything going on”?. It’s not like that kills their chances, it just comes off as more desperate

So if you need to check in (maybe you’re messaging on Kik where chats can disappear) limit it to once every 2-3 months if you haven’t heard anything. But I would recommend just seeking out your next couple and when returning couples message go back to the beginning and always be ready!!

Hope this helps my aspiring bull community 😘🥰💕

(Alll of this is my opinion and I’m sure there are many stories to provide contrary evidence, so don’t fight me 😅😂)


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