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United States Senate elections in Louisiana, 2014

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U.S. Senate, Louisiana General Election, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic Mary Landrieu Incumbent 44.1% 561,210
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngBill Cassidy 55.9% 712,379
Total Votes 1,273,589
Source: Louisiana Secretary of State


2014 U.S. Senate Elections in Louisiana

General Election Date
December 6, 2014

Primary Date
November 4, 2014

December 6 General Election Winner:
Bill Cassidy Republican Party
See also:
United States Senate runoff election in Louisiana, 2014
Incumbent prior to election:
Mary Landrieu Democratic Party
Mary Landrieu.jpg

Race Ratings
Cook Political Report: Toss Up[1]

Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans R[2]

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2014 U.S. House Elections

Flag of Louisiana.png

See also: United States Senate runoff election in Louisiana, 2014 for more information about the general election specifically.

Voters in Louisiana held a U.S. Senate election on November 4, 2014. The election headed into a general election on December 6, 2014. Bill Cassidy (R) defeated incumbent Mary Landrieu (D) in the December 6th general election.

Louisiana elections use the Louisiana majority-vote system. All candidates compete in the same primary, and a candidate can win the election outright by receiving more than 50% of the vote. If no candidate does, the top two vote recipients from the primary advance to the general election, regardless of their partisan affiliation.

For information about which offices are nominated via primary election, see this article.

Though Cassidy was the strongest candidate to unseat Landrieu, the primary election had nine candidates on ballot. The Democratic and Republican parties prepared for a general election by purchasing media time for after the November 4 election. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee purchased $2 million in airtime, while groups such as the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Freedom Partners, Ending Spending Action Fund and the National Rifle Association, purchased more than $6 million in airtime to support Cassidy in the December 6 election.[3] The DSCC however pulled the majority of their ads in Louisiana a week after the general election.[4]

Louisiana was one of the seven most vulnerable states for incumbent senators during the general election. The other six included Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia. Going into the 2014 elections all seven vulnerable seats were held by Democrats.[5]

Landrieu faced a challenging battle ahead of the general election due to the mostly conservative state being upset with her support of President Barack Obama's key policies.[6] This caused her to downplay the position of the current Obama administration on issues, such as the Affordable Care Act and same-sex marriage. Controversy also surrounded Landrieu's campaign when her office paid for two in-state flights for campaign purposes. Many opponents criticized her for not paying for the flights directly from her campaign coffers. Furthermore, Landrieu replaced her campaign manager in early October, while still keeping the former one on as a senior advisor.

Rep. Cassidy was considered the strongest opponent to unseat Landrieu. He was a strong supporter of Republican legislation and often voted in line with the party while serving in the House. Cassidy received endorsements from a number of conservative groups including support from Senator John McCain, who assisted him in his campaign during October.[7] Many analysts believed it would become increasingly critical for Cassidy to garner support in traditionally conservative districts, such as Jefferson and St. Tammany parishes, where Landrieu had done surprisingly well in the past.[8]

Candidate Filing Deadline Primary Election General Election
August 22, 2014
November 4, 2014
December 6, 2014

Voter registration: To vote in the primary, voters had to register by October 6, 2014. For the general election, the voter registration deadline was November 5, 2014.[9][10]

See also: Louisiana elections, 2014

Incumbent: The election filled the Senate seat held by Mary Landrieu (D). Landrieu was first elected in 1996.


December 6 general election

November 4 primary election

Withdrew from race

Declined to run

Race ratings

Most vulnerable seats

The Senate race in Louisiana was included on a list of the seven most vulnerable Senate seats up for election in 2014. The seven included in the list were: Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia. Going into the 2014 election, all seven seats were held by Democrats.[5]

WaPo top races

According to an analysis by The Washington Post, the U.S. Senate election in Louisiana was considered one of the top 10 Senate races of 2014. Sen. Landrieu had to run while she faced fallout from The Affordable Care Act.[25]

Race background

According to an April 2013 report, Democratic incumbent Mary Landrieu raised $1.2 million in the first quarter of 2013, and had $3.5 million cash on hand.[26] However, challenger Rep. Bill Cassidy (R) was not far behind, with $2 million in the bank at the end of the first quarter.[5] Cassidy far outpaced other opponents in fundraising. In reports from July 2013, Landrieu reported raising $1.7 million during the second quarter and had $4.9 million cash-on-hand.[27]

Landrieu never won more than 52 percent of the vote in her three previous Senate victories.[5] A hypothetical Republican majority in 2015 would require winning this seat.[5]

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said on July 8, 2013, that he had no plans to run against incumbent Mary Landrieu in 2014, despite speculation about his interest.[24] The Republican governor flatly rejected the idea that he wanted to return to Congress, saying when asked about the race, "Absolutely not, emphatically no."[24] He went on to repeat his disinterest several more times.[24] "There is no caveat, no wiggle room. I'm not trying to give myself any outs. I have absolutely no interest in running for the United States Senate. I'm not a candidate for the United States Senate. I will not be a candidate for the United States Senate. You can film that. You can write that down. Absolutely not," Jindal repeated when asked about the rumor.[24]

Louisiana GOP statewide tour

In an effort to unseat Mary Landrieu in the 2014 election, the Louisiana Republican Party announced that it would embark on a statewide 100-city tour named, to the Roots, which began in August 2013.[28] "We recognize that we have quite a challenge next year in defeating Senator Landrieu, and it's going to take all hands on deck," said GOP Executive Director Jason Dore. Dore went on to add that the goal of the tour was to determine potential supporters and activists, establish precinct captains and lay the groundwork for 2014.[28]


Incumbent Mary Landrieu's residency in Louisiana was called into question after it was discovered that she listed her parent's home as her primary residence. In response Landrieu said, "I have lived at my home on Prieur Street most of my life and I live there now, when not fulfilling my duties in Washington or serving constituents across the state." Her Republican opponent Rob Maness said he was considering legal action to challenge her residency. He stated, "A U.S. senator shouldn’t be living with their parents. She’s got plenty of good pay, she’s employed, but she says she’s living with her parents? . . . It’s time for one of us from the state of Louisiana to go fill this seat."[29]


General election

Key votes

Below are important votes Landrieu cast during the 113th Congress.

Government shutdown

See also: United States budget debate, 2013

Yea3.png During the shutdown in October 2013, the Senate rejected, down party lines, every House-originated bill that stripped the budget of funding for the Affordable Care Act. A deal was reached late on October 16, 2013, just hours before the debt ceiling deadline. The bill to reopen the government, H.R. 2775, lifted the $16.7 trillion debt limit and funded the government through January 15, 2014. Federal employees also received retroactive pay for the shutdown period. The only concession made by Senate Democrats was to require income verification for Obamacare subsidies.[30] The final vote on H.R. 2775 was 81-18, with all 18 votes against the bill from Republican members. Mary Landrieu voted with the Democratic Party for the bill.[31]



Following the signing of restrictive abortion rights legislation by Gov. Bobby Jindal on June 12, 2014, the contrast between Landrieu and Cassidy became a central issue in the election, as the state tends to lean rightward on the issue of abortion.[32]

Landrieu's position

“Nothing on this subject is easy to explain. I have kind of a different record than most. I’ve voted against late-term abortion, I voted for access in the … pre-viability [period],” she said. “Although I personally believe that life begins at conception, I believe the last place the government needs to be is in the church, in the doctor’s office or in the bedroom. And so even people who advocate for less government intrusion, like Gov. Jindal, get themselves in the most personal decisions a family could ever make.”[32]

Landrieu passed on the opportunity to co-sponsor a bill in the Senate that would federally restrict abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.[32]

Cassidy's position

Cassidy said that Landrieu was “clearly pro-abortion rights.”[32]

“She has supported using U.S. taxpayer dollars for overseas abortions and most folks, even if they are pro-choice, don’t care for that,” Cassidy said, referring to a 1997 vote on lifting an abortion ban on overseas U.S. military bases.[32]

Cassidy supported a House-passed bill that would have federally restricted abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.[32]

Landrieu chair position

Landrieu was selected as the next chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on February 11, 2014.[33][34]

Rhea Suh nomination

Bill Cassidy (R) sent a letter to Mary Landrieu opposing Rhea Suh's nomination to be assistant Interior Secretary of Fish and Wildlife and Parks.[35]

In their letter, Cassidy, along with Charles Boustany, Steve Scalise, John Fleming and Vance McAllister, wrote, “Ms. Suh has spent the past four years at a high level in the Department advocating against natural gas production and implementing policies such as the ill-directed moratorium in the Gulf that displaced thousands of Louisiana workers.”[35]

David Vitter voted against Suh's nomination in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and reiterated his opposition on February 11, 2014.[35]


Vanishing healthcare plans

See also: Health insurance policy cancellations since Obamacare

Mary Landrieu (D) spoke in favor of a proposal for legislation on October 29, 2013, that would ensure that all Americans could keep their existing insurance coverage under Obamacare.[36] In her statement, she said she would either offer her own bill or formally sign onto another measure that would ensure that the law would not force anyone off of their existing health policies.[36]

“The promise was made, and it should be kept. And it was our understanding when we voted for that bill that people when they have insurance could keep with what they had. So I’m going to be working on that fix,” Landrieu said.[36]

Delay in the Affordable Care Act

On October 24, 2013, Mary Landrieu (D) endorsed a proposal to give Americans more time to sign up for benefits under the Affordable Care Act. The enrollment deadline to sign up for coverage in the first year of the health law's exchanges was March 31, 2014.[37]

"I've always been committed to making the Affordable Care Act work and will continue doing so. I support extending the enrollment period to give people who haven't had access or who want more choice enough time to shop from the 40 competitively priced plans in Louisiana's marketplace. The administration should consider this common-sense suggestion," Landrieu said.[37]

Americans for Prosperity

Targeting Landrieu

Reports in November 2013 circulated that Charles and David Koch, billionaire conservative activists, planned to run advertisements through one of their political groups, Americans for Prosperity, attacking Landrieu for her support of the Affordable Care Act.[38]

Landrieu was one of three Democratic Senators the Kochs targeted in a $3.5 million advertising campaign on health care reform. Landrieu and the two other Senators -- Mark Begich and Kay Hagan-- all faced re-election as Democratic incumbents in states that supported Mitt Romney (R) over President Barack Obama (D) in 2012.[38]

October 2013 ad buy

The conservative group Americans for Prosperity released a $500,000 ad buy targeting Mary Landrieu over the health care law on October 29, 2013.[39] The group also released a similar ad buy against Kay Hagan (D) of North Carolina at the same time. The two ads cost more than $2 million combined.[39]

The ad twice played a clip of Landrieu saying of Obamacare, “If I had to vote for the bill again, I would vote for it tomorrow.”[39]

"Tell Sen. Landrieu we deserve better than Obamacare...Who gets stuck with the bill? Families and small businesses,” that ad said of Obamacare.[39]

Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity, said, “Both ads are unique, but the goal is the same: we want to make sure to hold both of these senators accountable over the long term for their votes that first passed Obamacare into law and now have upheld that law repeatedly. I’ve said a number of times before that repealing Obamacare is a long-term effort...These ads, both on network [TV] and cable, along with social media and grassroots, is a continuation of what we believe is going to be a long-term effort required to eventually repeal Obamacare.”[39]

RNC robocalls

The Republican National Committee conducted robocalls about Mary Landrieu and the federal government shutdown on October 14, 2013, targeting those who lived near Landrieu's home and her local offices across the state.[40]

In the recording, the group attempted to blame Landrieu and other Democrats for putting veterans' benefits on the line.[40]

"These men and women served our country with honor and yet Sen. Landrieu would rather put partisan politics ahead of honoring our commitment to the people who defended this country," stated someone identified as Erin during the call.[40]

Noteworthy events

"Air Mary"

In August 2014, the Landrieu campaign faced scrutiny for two trips she took in 2012. Both trips were in-state flights that had multiple campaign-related stops. Both flights were paid for by her Senate office instead of from campaign coffers. These were not the first travel-related expenditure questions, which led Republicans to nickname her "Air Mary."[41]

Campaign staff shakeup

In mid-October 2014, Landrieu replaced her campaign manager, Adam Sullivan, with Ryan Berni, who previously ran her brother's campaign for the mayor of New Orleans. The move came as October polls showed Landrieu falling short of the 50 percent needed to avoid a general election. Sullivan remained on Landrieu's campaign staff as a senior adviser.[42] Top aides for Landrieu did not give a specific statement as to why she decided to switch her campaign manager, but stated "...she’s bringing in people she’s comfortable with and has relied on for previous campaigns."[43]

Debate: October 14, 2014

Three candidates for the Louisiana Senate race gathered for a debate at Centenary College in Shreveport. Landrieu, Cassidy and Maness faced off in a three-way discussion about issues facing the country.

Obama Administration: The performance of President Barack Obama was the main topic of discussion throughout the debate. Cassidy was the most vocal critic of the Obama administration and stated that he highly disapproved with the course of actions taken on issues affecting national security. He specifically pointed to the situation in Iraq and how, in his opinion, Obama's poor decision making led the United States towards a situation in the Middle East threatening America's security. Cassidy said, "I don't trust this president. I think he is a very poor commander in chief."[44] Furthermore, Cassidy and Maness tried to associate Obama with incumbent Mary Landrieu at various points throughout the debate and stated that she constantly voted in favor of his policies while in Congress.

Jobs and the Economy: Landrieu touted her record of working hard in Congress to bring economic growth to the state of Louisiana. This was in reference to the increased amount of revenue Louisiana received from the energy industry and other economic sectors. "I've brought billions of dollars to this state," Landrieu said.[44]

Healthcare: Cassidy and Maness attacked Landrieu on her support of the Affordable Care Act, and referred to it as "Obamacare."[44] Cassidy stated that Obamacare should be repealed and linked it to a series of, what he called, "bad legislation" on the part of the Obama administration. Landrieu avoided talking about her direct stance on Obamacare throughout the night but did state that access to healthcare is "a human right." Landrieu said, "The Affordable Care Act is not perfect. It needs to be fixed."[44] Landrieu also countered Cassidy's criticism and noted his previous support of creating a health care exchange in Louisiana, which had similarities to Obama's legislation.

Social Security: The candidates focused on federal benefits and what age citizens should start receiving social security. Cassidy was supportive of increasing the minimum age for social security to 70 but only for people who were young enough to adjust their retirement plan. Maness, in an uncommon disagreement with Cassidy, said that raising the retirement age to 70 was bad policy. Maness did however state that he would support reducing benefits for disabilities as he believed there was much fraud in that part of social security. Landrieu was also not supportive of raising the age to receive social security. "People cannot work until their 70 and I think that is very bad policy," she said.[44]

The Environment: Issues, such as global climate change, dominated Landrieu's speaking time as she had previously focused her campaign on cleaning up Louisiana's coast. She proposed balanced action on the issue taking into account environmental and business concerns. She stressed that better business practices were needed to ensure that pollution does not negatively impact Louisiana, but she said she would continue to support a healthy business climate for important industries, such as oil and gas.[44]

Medical Marijuana: Perhaps one of the largest surprises of the debate was when Cassidy stated his support of legalizing marijuana for medical use. The information was a surprise as Democrats were more likely to vote in favor of medical marijuana than Republicans.[45] Landrieu and Maness both stated that they opposed the legalization of medical marijuana.[44]

Rating of Public Officials: Near the end of the debate, all three candidates were asked to give a performance rating of President Barack Obama and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Candidates gave each official a number rating with 10 being the highest in performance. Landrieu gave Obama a 6-7 and Jindal a 3. Maness and Cassidy both gave Obama a rating of 0. Maness gave Jindall a 5 rating, while Cassidy, being satisfied with his performance, gave him a 7.[44]

Landrieu comments on race

On October 30, 2014, the Thursday before the general election, comments made by Landrieu about Obama's popularity in the South caught the attention of the national media: "I’ll be very, very honest with you. The south has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans. It’s been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader," Landrieu said.[46]



The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) launched a $2.4 million advertising buy attacking Bill Cassidy (R) on August 21, 2014.[47]


Americans for Prosperity (AFP) released the ad, “Mailbox,” on February 12, 2014, that tied Landrieu to her vote for Obamacare.[48] The ad showed people reading insurance cancellation notices under the healthcare law. The $750,000 ad buy brought the total spent by AFP in Louisiana, to around $2.6 million between October 2013 and February 2014.[48] During the same period of time, AFP spent approximately $27 million on “Obamacare accountability efforts” nationwide.[48]

Americans for Prosperity February 2014 ad, "Mailbox."


The Republican National Committee launched a radio advertisement against Mary Landrieu on January 7, 2014.[49]

RNC January 2014 Radio Ad: "A New Year's Resolution You Can Keep."

Senate Majority PAC

  • In January 2014, the Senate Majority PAC spent an additional $344,000 to extend a December 2013 ad against Bill Cassidy (R).[50] The initial buy for the ad was $250,000.[50]
    • The ad, "Problem," criticized Cassidy for his votes to raise the retirement age, as well as his votes to shut down the government.[50]
  • The group released "Agenda" in March 2014. The ad attacked the Koch Brother's agenda "to buy the Louisiana Senate race and impose an anti-Louisiana agenda on the people of the state."[38][51]
    • A narrator in the ad said, “Out-of-state billionaires… spending millions to rig the system and elect Bill Cassidy. Their goal: another politician bought and paid for. Their agenda: Protect tax cuts for companies that ship our jobs overseas. Cut Social Security and end Medicare as we know it. They even tried to kill relief for hurricane victims. Cassidy’s billion-dollar backers. They’ve got a plan for him. And it’s not good for Louisiana.”[38]
  • As part of a $3 million offensive effort against the billionaire Koch brothers in early 2014, the group released "Loses" on March 26, 2014.[52]
    • The ad alleged that the brothers, David and Charles Koch, backed opposition to a fix to the flood insurance program.[52]
Senate Majority PAC's December 2013 ad, "Problem."
Senate Majority PAC's March 2014 ad, "Agenda."
Senate Majority PAC's March 2014 ad, "Loses."

Bill Cassidy

The ad showed Cassidy, a physician, in his doctor's coat, with a stethoscope around his neck and a dog-eared copy of the federal health law in his hand. He said most members of Congress who voted for President Barack Obama's health overhaul didn't read the bill before passing it.[53]

"It affects your job, your pocketbook, your life. And they didn't read it. I read the bill. It was clear there'd be canceled plans, expensive premiums, no guarantee that you could keep your doctor. I voted no," Cassidy said in the ad.[53]

Mary Landrieu

  • Incumbent Mary Landrieu released her first ad of the campaign on December 11, 2013. In the ad, she attempted to distance herself from the healthcare overhaul and Obama's Affordable Care Act by emphasizing her bill that would allow individual health care plan holders to keep their insurance under the new guidelines.[54][55]
    • “Thousands of Louisianians and millions of Americans that carried individual policies will now have an opportunity to keep those health care plans. The President made a promise, and Sen. Landrieu is working to make sure it is kept and will continue her legislative efforts to fix and improve the Affordable Care Act,” Landrieu campaign manager Adam Sullivan said in a statement.[55]
  • In February 2014, Landrieu said she would find it valuable for Thomas Steyer to run ads in her re-election campaign. "It would probably help me in my state if he would run his ads," she said.[56]
  • In March 2014, Landrieu reserved nearly $2 million in airtime between April 21 and June 29 for 30-second TV commercials and an additional $645,000 from April 14 to May 25 for 60-second spots.[57]
  • Landrieu released "Will Not Rest" in April 2014 which emphasized her efforts to support the oil and gas industry.[58][59]
    • The video showed Louisiana residents at home, in a restaurant and at their job watching clips from television news accounts of Landrieu as she fought against the moratorium on deep-water oil and gas drilling after the 2010 BP oil spill and for sharing federal off-shore royalty revenue with Louisiana and other producing states.[60] Landrieu said in the television clips, "300,000 people that go to work every day in this industry. You just can't go beat up on them" and "We produce the oil and gas that's the message we told to the president."[60]
    • The ad was criticized by some conservative groups for using re-enactments of statements that Landrieu made in an Energy Committee hearing in 2013.[61]
    • Landrieu's campaign manager Adam Sullivan said the campaign recreated the scene because Senate Ethics Rules prohibit the use of footage from any government camera in political ads.[62]
Mary Landrieu's January 2014 ad, "Keeping the Promise."
Mary Landrieu's April 2014 ad, "Will Not Rest."


Mary Landrieu

Bill Cassidy

  • The Louisiana Republican Party endorsed Bill Cassidy on May 31, 2014.[66]
    • Roger Villere, head of the state Republican Party, noted that such an early endorsement was an “extraordinary move” for the group.[66]
    • “It is an extraordinary move for our state party to endorse a candidate. But because of who he is and what he’s done, Bill has the support of an overwhelming majority of our state central committee,” he said.[66]
  • On November 3, 2013, State Rep. Alan Seabaugh announced that he decided not to run for the U.S. Senate in 2014 and instead endorsed Rep. Bill Cassidy.[21]
    • Seabaugh said, "In recent weeks, Bill Cassidy has proven something to me and fellow conservatives. He stood with those of us who care about the future of this country by not giving in to President Obama and the liberal big spenders in Congress. This particular stand was important to me, as a conservative."[21]

Rob Maness

  • Family Research Council President and former Louisiana House member Tony Perkins endorsed Rob Maness on July 28, 2014.[68]
  • Former Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin endorsed Maness on May 8, 2014.[71]
    • "In the Louisiana Senate race we have the opportunity to send a true conservative and a real warrior to join that fight. So, today I am lending my support to retired Col. Rob Maness for U.S. Senate. Having spent his career in uniform, he does not have deep pockets or lobbyist connections to fund his campaign. To me, it's a blessing, not a curse that he's not held office before. After all, our founders weren't politicians - many of them in fact were military leaders. Maybe it's time we got back to those roots," Palin said.[71]

Campaign donors

Candidates for Congress were required to file up to seven main reports with the Federal Election Commission during the 2014 elections season.

Mary Landrieu

  • According to first quarter campaign finance reports from April 2013, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) had already raised $1.2 million and had $3.5 million cash-on-hand.[81]
  • According to reports from January 2014, incumbent Mary Landrieu outraised her opponents in the Senate race, bringing in nearly $1.4 million in the previous fundraising quarter, from October, November and December 2013.[82]
  • Landrieu’s campaign announced on January 8, 2014, that Landrieu had nearly $6.4 million in her campaign account.[82][83]

Bill Cassidy

  • On January 7, 2014, Bill Cassidy (R) announced that he raised $1 million, and had nearly $4.2 million cash on hand.[82]

Rob Maness

Election history


On November 2, 2010, Vitter (R) won re-election to the United States Senate. He defeated Charlie Melancon (D), Michael Karlton Brown (I), R. A. "Skip" Galan (I), Milton Gordon (I), Sam Houston Melton, Jr. (I), Randall Todd Hayes (L), William R. McShan (Reform), Michael Lane "Mike" Spears (I), Ernest D. Woolon (I), William Robert "Bob" Lang, Jr. (I) and Thomas G. "Tommy" LaFarge (I) in the primary election.[97]

Louisiana elections use the Louisiana majority-vote system. All candidates compete in the same primary, and a candidate can win the election outright by receiving more than 50% of the vote. If no candidate does, the top two vote recipients from the primary advance to the general election, regardless of their partisan affiliation.

For information about which offices are nominated via primary election, see this article.

U.S. Senate, Louisiana Primary Election, 2010
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngDavid Vitter Incumbent 56.6% 715,415
     Democratic Charlie Melancon 37.7% 476,572
     Independent Michael Karlton Brown 0.8% 9,973
     Independent R. A. "Skip" Galan 0.6% 7,474
     Independent Milton Gordon 0.4% 4,810
     Independent Sam Houston Melton, Jr. 0.3% 3,780
     Libertarian Randall Todd Hayes 1.1% 13,957
     Reform William R. McShan 0.5% 5,879
     Independent Michael Lane "Mike" Spears 0.7% 9,190
     Independent Ernest D. Woolon 0.6% 8,167
     Independent William Robert "Bob" Lang, Jr. 0.5% 5,734
     Independent Thomas G. "Tommy" LaFarge 0.3% 4,043
Total Votes 1,264,994


On November 4, 2008, Mary Landrieu won re-election to the United States Senate. She defeated John Kennedy (R), Richard Fontanesi (L), Jay Patel (I) and Robert Stewart (I) in the primary election.

U.S. Senate, Louisiana Primary Election, 2008
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic Green check mark transparent.pngMary Landrieu 52.4% 988,298
     Republican John Kennedy 45.9% 867,177
     Libertarian Richard Fontanesi 1% 18,590
     Independent Jay Patel 0.7% 13,729
     Independent Robert Stewart 0% 0
Total Votes 1,887,794

See also

External links


  1. Cook Political Report, "2014 SENATE RACE RATINGS FOR NOVEMBER 3, 2014," accessed November 3, 2014
  2. Sabato's Crystal Ball, "2014 Senate Races," accessed November 3, 2014
  3. New York Times, "A Bipartisan Bet: Louisiana Race Is Headed for a Runoff," October 17, 2014
  4. Washington Post, "Landrieu Extremely Disappointed with the DSCC," December 2, 2014
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Fiscal Times, "7 Senate Seats Most at Risk—Hint: They’re All Blue," accessed February 15, 2013 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "fiscal" defined multiple times with different content
  6. USA Today, "Landrieu keeps Obama at arm's length in re-election race," accessed October 9, 2014
  7. The Time-Picayune, "John McCain campaigns with Bill Cassidy starting this weekend," October 8, 2014
  8. The Time-Picayune, "How can Bill Cassidy beat Mary Landrieu," accessed October 9, 2014
  9. Louisiana Secretary of State Website, "Register to Vote," accessed January 3, 2014
  10. Louisiana Secretary of State Website, "Search Election Dates," accessed September 4, 2014
  11. Louisiana Secretary of State, "Election results," accessed December 6, 2014
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Louisiana Elections and Voting, "Candidate list," accessed August 27, 2014
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Roll Call "Louisiana: Cassidy Challenging Landrieu" accessed April 9, 2013
  14. The Times-Picayune "Sen. Mary Landrieu's new challenger: Air Force veteran from Madisonville" accessed May 17, 2013
  15. The Advocate, "RNC launches anti-Landrieu ads," accessed January 13, 2014
  16. Louisiana Politics, "Another Republican Legislator Thinking About Senate Run," accessed October 28, 2013
  17. Politico, "GOPer jumps in to La. race for Senate," accessed December 30, 2013
  18. The Hill, "Louisiana Senate field narrows," accessed July 14, 2014
  19., "Former Congressman Jeff Landry announces run for Louisiana attorney general," accessed February 25, 2014
  20. Shreveport Times, "Seabaugh: Cassidy not conservative enough to beat Landrieu," accessed October 9, 2013
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2, "State Rep. Alan Seabaugh won't run for the Senate, endorses Bill Cassidy," accessed November 4, 2013
  22. Roll Call, "Another Potential Opponent Instead Backs Cassidy in Louisiana," accessed December 3, 2013
  23., "Elbert Guillory considering U.S. Senate, Louisiana lieutenant governor run," accessed August 20, 2013
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 Shreveport Times "Gov. Bobby Jindal says no to U.S. Senate race in 2014" accessed July 22, 2013
  25. The Washington Post, "The Fix’s top 10 Senate races of 2014," accessed December 10, 2013
  26. Politico, "Red-state Democrats raise millions" accessed April 18, 2013
  27. Politico, "Sen. Mary Landrieu builds up campaign funds" accessed July 9, 2013
  28. 28.0 28.1, "Louisiana GOP plans statewide tour to topple Mary Landrieu" accessed July 22, 2013
  29. The Washington Post, "Landrieu claims parents’ home as her own, raising questions of Louisiana residency," August 28, 2014
  30. The Washington Post, "Reid, McConnell propose bipartisan Senate bill to end shutdown, extend borrowing," accessed October 16, 2013
  31., "H.R. 2775 As Amended," accessed October 31, 2013
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 Politico, "Abortion becomes issue in Louisiana Senate race," accessed June 16, 2014
  33. WWL, "Mary Landrieu to chair Senate energy committee," accessed February 12, 2014
  34. The Advocate, "Sen. Mary Landrieu tapped to head powerful Energy committee," accessed February 12, 2014
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Politico, "Divisive vote won’t happen on Landrieu’s watch," accessed February 12, 2014
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 Politico, "Landrieu to propose halting vanishing health plans," accessed October 30, 2013
  37. 37.0 37.1, "Sen. Mary Landrieu supports delay in enrollment deadline for Affordable Care Act," accessed October 28, 2013
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3, "Koch brothers target Mary Landrieu on the Affordable Care Act," accessed November 21, 2013 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "koch" defined multiple times with different content
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 Politico, "Ads hit red-state Democrats on Obamacare," accessed October 29, 2013
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2, "RNC launches robocall against Landrieu on government shutdown," accessed October 22, 2013
  41. Politico, "Mary Landrieu faces more travel questions," August 18, 2014
  42. Politico, "Mary Landrieu replaces campaign manager," October 8, 2014
  43. New Orleans Picayune, "Sen. Landrieu replaces campaign manager and brings in familiar faces to help re-election effort," October 8, 2014
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 44.6 44.7 The Times-Picayune, "Mary Landrieu, Bill Cassidy, Rob Maness spar in first Louisiana Senate debate," October 14, 2014
  45. Pew Research, "Marijuana Use," accessed October 15, 2015
  46. The Washington Times, "Mary Landrieu: South ‘has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans,’" October 31, 2014
  47., "DSCC Launching $2.5 Million Advertising Buy In Louisiana To Highlight How Rep. Bill Cassidy’s Priorities Are Wrong For Louisiana," accessed August 22, 2014
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 Politico, "AFP steps up Mary Landrieu barrage," accessed February 12, 2014
  49. The Advocate, "RNC launches anti-Landrieu ads," accessed January 13, 2014
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 Roll Call, "Democratic Super PAC Funnels More Funds Into Louisiana," accessed January 15, 2014
  51. The Hill, "Dem super-PAC hits Cassidy on Koch support," accessed March 20, 2014
  52. 52.0 52.1 The Hill, "Dem super-PAC hits Kochs in La., NC," accessed March 27, 2014
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Daily Journal, "Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy releasing his first TV commercial in Louisiana's US Senate race," accessed June 9, 2014
  54. Politico, "Landrieu TV ad distances her from ACA," accessed December 11, 2013
  55. 55.0 55.1 Roll Call, "Landrieu’s First TV Ad Highlights Her Obamacare Fix," accessed December 11, 2013
  56. National Journal, "Could Tom Steyer's Anti-Keystone Campaign Help Mary Landrieu? She Thinks So.," February 17, 2014
  57. Politico, "Source: Mary Landrieu reserves $2.6M in ad time," accessed March 17, 2014
  58., "Sen. Landrieu's campaign is out with new TV ad portraying a fighter for oil and gas jobs," accessed April 15, 2014
  59. The Week, "Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu runs away from Obama in campaign ad," accessed April 15, 2014
  60. 60.0 60.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named norest
  61. ABC News, "Mary Landrieu Criticized for Re-Enacting Congressional Hearing in New Ad," accessed April 16, 2014
  62. NBC News, "Landrieu Camp: Ad Reenactment Done to Comply With Senate Rules," accessed April 16, 2014
  63. Shreveport Times, "Sen. Mary Landrieu endorsed by state sheriffs association," accessed August 7, 2014 (dead link)
  64. The Hill, "Cassidy nabs backing of former conservative rival in La. Senate race," accessed July 22, 2014
  65. KTEV, "Political Minute June 12, 2014," accessed June 16, 2014
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 The Hill, "Louisiana GOP backs Cassidy's Senate bid," accessed June 2, 2014
  67. Roll Call, "Another Potential Opponent Instead Backs Cassidy in Louisiana," accessed December 3, 2013
  68., "Tony Perkins endorses Rob Maness in Louisiana's Senate race," accessed July 30, 2014
  69. Tea Party Express, "Tea Party Express Endorses Colonel Rob Maness for U.S. Senate," accessed June 16, 2014
  70. Rob Maness for Senate, "Tea Party Express Endorses Colonel Rob Maness for U.S. Senate," accessed June 16, 2014
  71. 71.0 71.1, "Sarah Palin endorses Rob Maness for Louisiana U.S. Senate seat," accessed June 16, 2014
  72. The Madison Project, "Rob Maness for Senate in Louisiana," accessed February 12, 2014
  73. Rob Maness for Senate, "Col. Rob Maness Endorsed By The Madison Project," accessed June 16, 2014
  74. Federal Election Commission, "April Quarterly," accessed July 26, 2013
  75. Federal Election Commission, "July Quarterly," accessed July 26, 2013
  76. Federal Election Commission, "October Quarterly," accessed October 29, 2013
  77. Federal Election Commission, "Year End Report," accessed February 19, 2014
  78. Federal Election Commission, "July Quarterly," accessed October 16, 2014
  79. Federal Election Commission, "October Quarterly," accessed October 20, 2014
  80. Federal Election Commission, "Pre-Run-off Quarterly," accessed December 1, 2014
  81. Mary Landreiu, "News" accessed April 17, 2013
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 The Advocate, "Mary Landrieu raises $1.4M in latest fundraising period," accessed January 13, 2014
  83., "Sen. Mary Landrieu releases most recent campaign finance numbers," accessed January 13, 2014
  84. Federal Election Commission, "April Quarterly," accessed July 25, 2013
  85. Federal Election Commission, "July Quarterly," accessed July 25, 2013
  86. Federal Election Commission, "October Quarterly," accessed November 11, 2013
  87. Federal Election Commission, "Year End Report," accessed February 17, 2014
  88. Federal Election Commission, "April Quarterly," accessed May 12, 2014
  89. Federal Election Commission, "July Quarterly," accessed October 22, 2014
  90. Federal Election Commission, "Pre-Primary," accessed October 22, 2014
  91. Federal Election Commission, "October Quarterly," accessed October 20, 2014
  92. Federal Election Commission, "Pre-Run-off," accessed December 4, 2014
  93. NOLA Defender, "Cassidy Gave to Campaigns for Landrieu, Democrats, Records Show," accessed September 19, 2013
  94. Federal Election Commission, "July Quarterly" accessed July 31, 2013
  95. Federal Election Commission, "October Quarterly," accessed November 13, 2013
  96. Federal Election Commission, "April Quarterly," accessed May 15, 2014
  97. U.S. Congress House Clerk, "Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 2, 2010," accessed July 4, 2013

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
Republican Party (7)
Democratic Party (1)