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马赫于2014年4月加入基金会担任首席通讯官,<ref name="WMF"><cite class="citation web">[[wmfblog:2014/04/15/katherine-maher-joins-foundation-chief-communications-officer/|"Katherine Maher joins the Wikimedia Foundation as Chief Communications Officer"]]. </cite></ref><ref name="Fitzsimmons"><cite class="citation web">Fitzsimmons, Michelle (January 16, 2016). </cite></ref><ref name="PRWeek"><cite class="citation web">Bradley, Diana (May 15, 2014). </cite></ref> 并对美国[[版权法]]做出了评价。<ref name="WPOST"><cite class="citation news">Phillip, Abby (August 6, 2014). </cite></ref> 她在2016年3月成为了临时执行董事,<ref name="Lorente"><cite class="citation news">Lorente, Patricio (March 16, 2016). </cite></ref> 在[[莉拉·崔迪科夫]]辞职后。<ref name="Tretikov"><cite class="citation web">Tretikov, Lila (February 25, 2016). </cite></ref> [[吉米·威尔士]]在2016年6月24日的[[維基媒體國際會議|维基媒体国际会议]]上宣布了对她的任命于2016年6月23日生效。<ref name="wmf_ed"><cite class="citation web">[[wmfblog:2016/06/24/katherine-maher-executive-director/|"Foundation Board appoints Katherine Maher as Executive Director"]]. </cite></ref>
马赫于2014年4月加入基金会担任首席通讯官,<ref name="WMF"><cite class="citation web">[[wmfblog:2014/04/15/katherine-maher-joins-foundation-chief-communications-officer/|"Katherine Maher joins the Wikimedia Foundation as Chief Communications Officer"]]. </cite></ref><ref name="Fitzsimmons"><cite class="citation web">Fitzsimmons, Michelle (January 16, 2016). </cite></ref><ref name="PRWeek"><cite class="citation web">Bradley, Diana (May 15, 2014). </cite></ref> 并对美国[[版权法]]做出了评价。<ref name="WPOST"><cite class="citation news">Phillip, Abby (August 6, 2014). </cite></ref> 她在2016年3月成为了临时执行董事,<ref name="Lorente"><cite class="citation news">Lorente, Patricio (March 16, 2016). </cite></ref> 在[[莉拉·崔迪科夫]]辞职后。<ref name="Tretikov"><cite class="citation web">Tretikov, Lila (February 25, 2016). </cite></ref> [[吉米·威尔士]]在2016年6月24日的[[維基媒體國際會議|维基媒体国际会议]]上宣布了对她的任命于2016年6月23日生效。<ref name="wmf_ed"><cite class="citation web">[[wmfblog:2016/06/24/katherine-maher-executive-director/|"Foundation Board appoints Katherine Maher as Executive Director"]]. </cite></ref>

== See also ==
== 参见 ==
* Katherine Maher's WMF Wikipedia userpage
* Katherine Maher's WMF Wikipedia userpage
** [[m:User:Katherine (WMF)|Maher's metawiki page]]
** [[m:User:Katherine (WMF)|Maher's metawiki page]]

== References ==
== 参考资料 ==
{{Reflist|30em|refs=<ref name="youthfortechnology">{{cite web |url = http://www.youthfortechnology.org/people-katherine-maher/ |title = People – Katherine Maher |publisher = Youth for Technology Foundation |accessdate = March 11, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name="PRWeek">{{cite web |last1 = Bradley |first1 = Diana |url = http://www.prweek.com/article/1294445/wikimedia-hires-maher-fill-chief-comms-role |title = Katherine Maher joins the Wikimedia Foundation as Chief Communications Officer |publisher = ''[[PRWeek]]'' |accessdate = March 11, 2016 |date = May 15, 2014 }}</ref> <ref name="WMF">{{cite web |url = http://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/04/15/katherine-maher-joins-foundation-chief-communications-officer/ |title = Katherine Maher joins the Wikimedia Foundation as Chief Communications Officer |publisher = Wikimedia Foundation |accessdate = March 11, 2016 |date = April 15, 2014 }}</ref> <ref name="Fitzsimmons">{{cite web |url = http://www.techradar.com/news/internet/wikipedia-is-still-disrupting-after-15-years-1313225 |title = Wikipedia is still disrupting after 15 years |last = Fitzsimmons |first = Michelle |date = January 16, 2016 |work = Tech Radar |accessdate = March 11, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name="WPOST">{{cite news |title = If a monkey takes a selfie in the forest, who owns the copyright? No one, says Wikimedia. |last = Phillip |first = Abby |date = August 6, 2014 |work = The Washington Post |agency = WP Company Llc |url = https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2014/08/06/if-a-monkey-takes-a-selfie-in-the-forest-who-owns-the-copyright-no-one-says-wikimedia/ |accessdate = July 18, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name="Lorente">{{cite news |url = https://blog.wikimedia.org/2016/03/16/board-welcomes-katherine-maher/ |title = Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees welcomes Katherine Maher as interim Executive Director |last = Lorente |first = Patricio |date = March 16, 2016 |publisher = Wikimedia Foundation |accessdate = March 17, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name=Tretikov>{{cite web |url = https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2016-February/082470.html |title = Thank you for our time together. |last1 = Tretikov |first1 = Lila |last2 = |first2 = |date = February 25, 2016 |website = wikimedia.org |publisher = [[Wikimedia Foundation]] |access-date = August 15, 2016 |quote = }}</ref> <ref name="Westphalian">{{cite web |url = http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/02/25/the-new-westphalian-web/ |title = The New Westphalian Web |date = February 25, 2013 |accessdate = March 11, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name="Worldbank book">{{cite book |author1 = Siddhartha Raja |author2 = Samia Melhem |author3 = Matthew Cruse |author4 = Joshua Goldstein |author5 = Katherine Maher |author6 = Michael Minges |author7 = Priya Surya |year = 2012 |chapter = Making Government Mobile |title = Information and Communications for Development: Maximizing Mobile |url = http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTINFORMATIONANDCOMMUNICATIONANDTECHNOLOGIES/Resources/IC4D-2012-Report.pdf |type = |series = |language = |volume = |issue = |location = Washington D.C. |publisher = [[World Bank]] |publication-date = 2012 |page = |pages = 87–102 }}</ref> <ref name="atlantic">{{cite web |url = http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/03/control-of-the-internet-104830_Page2.html#.Vu3VynAkKuU |work = Politico |date = March 19, 2014 |access-date = March 19, 2016 |title = No, the U.S. Isn't 'Giving Up Control' of the Internet }}</ref> <ref name="nyu">{{cite journal |url = https://www.nyu.edu/alumni.magazine/issue22/pdf/NYU22.pdf |date = Spring 2014 |work = NYU Alumni Magazine |page = 59 |title = NYU Class Notes }}</ref> <ref name="wmf_ed">{{cite web |url = https://blog.wikimedia.org/2016/06/24/katherine-maher-executive-director/ |title = Foundation Board appoints Katherine Maher as Executive Director |publisher = Wikimedia Foundation |accessdate = June 24, 2016 }}</ref>}}
{{Reflist|30em|refs=<ref name="youthfortechnology">{{cite web |url = http://www.youthfortechnology.org/people-katherine-maher/ |title = People – Katherine Maher |publisher = Youth for Technology Foundation |accessdate = March 11, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name="PRWeek">{{cite web |last1 = Bradley |first1 = Diana |url = http://www.prweek.com/article/1294445/wikimedia-hires-maher-fill-chief-comms-role |title = Katherine Maher joins the Wikimedia Foundation as Chief Communications Officer |publisher = ''[[PRWeek]]'' |accessdate = March 11, 2016 |date = May 15, 2014 }}</ref> <ref name="WMF">{{cite web |url = http://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/04/15/katherine-maher-joins-foundation-chief-communications-officer/ |title = Katherine Maher joins the Wikimedia Foundation as Chief Communications Officer |publisher = Wikimedia Foundation |accessdate = March 11, 2016 |date = April 15, 2014 }}</ref> <ref name="Fitzsimmons">{{cite web |url = http://www.techradar.com/news/internet/wikipedia-is-still-disrupting-after-15-years-1313225 |title = Wikipedia is still disrupting after 15 years |last = Fitzsimmons |first = Michelle |date = January 16, 2016 |work = Tech Radar |accessdate = March 11, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name="WPOST">{{cite news |title = If a monkey takes a selfie in the forest, who owns the copyright? No one, says Wikimedia. |last = Phillip |first = Abby |date = August 6, 2014 |work = The Washington Post |agency = WP Company Llc |url = https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2014/08/06/if-a-monkey-takes-a-selfie-in-the-forest-who-owns-the-copyright-no-one-says-wikimedia/ |accessdate = July 18, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name="Lorente">{{cite news |url = https://blog.wikimedia.org/2016/03/16/board-welcomes-katherine-maher/ |title = Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees welcomes Katherine Maher as interim Executive Director |last = Lorente |first = Patricio |date = March 16, 2016 |publisher = Wikimedia Foundation |accessdate = March 17, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name=Tretikov>{{cite web |url = https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2016-February/082470.html |title = Thank you for our time together. |last1 = Tretikov |first1 = Lila |last2 = |first2 = |date = February 25, 2016 |website = wikimedia.org |publisher = [[Wikimedia Foundation]] |access-date = August 15, 2016 |quote = }}</ref> <ref name="Westphalian">{{cite web |url = http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/02/25/the-new-westphalian-web/ |title = The New Westphalian Web |date = February 25, 2013 |accessdate = March 11, 2016 }}</ref> <ref name="Worldbank book">{{cite book |author1 = Siddhartha Raja |author2 = Samia Melhem |author3 = Matthew Cruse |author4 = Joshua Goldstein |author5 = Katherine Maher |author6 = Michael Minges |author7 = Priya Surya |year = 2012 |chapter = Making Government Mobile |title = Information and Communications for Development: Maximizing Mobile |url = http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTINFORMATIONANDCOMMUNICATIONANDTECHNOLOGIES/Resources/IC4D-2012-Report.pdf |type = |series = |language = |volume = |issue = |location = Washington D.C. |publisher = [[World Bank]] |publication-date = 2012 |page = |pages = 87–102 }}</ref> <ref name="atlantic">{{cite web |url = http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/03/control-of-the-internet-104830_Page2.html#.Vu3VynAkKuU |work = Politico |date = March 19, 2014 |access-date = March 19, 2016 |title = No, the U.S. Isn't 'Giving Up Control' of the Internet }}</ref> <ref name="nyu">{{cite journal |url = https://www.nyu.edu/alumni.magazine/issue22/pdf/NYU22.pdf |date = Spring 2014 |work = NYU Alumni Magazine |page = 59 |title = NYU Class Notes }}</ref> <ref name="wmf_ed">{{cite web |url = https://blog.wikimedia.org/2016/06/24/katherine-maher-executive-director/ |title = Foundation Board appoints Katherine Maher as Executive Director |publisher = Wikimedia Foundation |accessdate = June 24, 2016 }}</ref>}}

2016年12月12日 (一) 04:17的版本


凯瑟琳·马赫 是维基媒体基金会的执行董事。 她自2014年4月起担任首席通讯官,[1] 于2016年6月23日就任执行董事。[2] 她曾任职于世界银行联合国儿童基金会和 [accessnow.org AccessNow.org]的宣传部部长。




马赫自2014年4月起担任基金会首席通讯官,2016年3月起担任维基媒体基金会的执行董事(代理董事),于2016年6月被任命为正式执行董事。[1] 曾任职于世界银行,联合国儿童基金会和 AccessNow.org的宣传部部长。[4][1][5]

世界银行任职期间,马赫担任促进国际发展和民主化的技术顾问,发展信息及通信技术的问责与管理,注重于手机等设备在中东及非洲等地促进民间社会和体制改革方面的作用。[6][7] 她于2012年在世界银行出版的“使政府移动化”中合著了一个关于“信息交流的发展:移动设备利用最大化”的章节。[8]

马赫于2014年4月加入基金会担任首席通讯官,[1][9][10] 并对美国版权法做出了评价。[11] 她在2016年3月成为了临时执行董事,[4] 在莉拉·崔迪科夫辞职后。[12] 吉米·威尔士在2016年6月24日的维基媒体国际会议上宣布了对她的任命于2016年6月23日生效。[2]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "Katherine Maher joins the Wikimedia Foundation as Chief Communications Officer". 引用错误:带有name属性“WMF”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 "Foundation Board appoints Katherine Maher as Executive Director". 引用错误:带有name属性“wmf_ed”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  3. ^ "NYU Class Notes" (PDF). 引用错误:带有name属性“nyu”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Lorente, Patricio (March 16, 2016). 引用错误:带有name属性“Lorente”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  5. ^ "No, the U.S. Isn't 'Giving Up Control' of the Internet". 引用错误:带有name属性“atlantic”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  6. ^ Wamda. Resisting Internet Censorship: Katherine Maher of Access at SHARE Beirut (video). October 9, 2012 [April 11, 2016].  |author=|last=只需其一 (帮助)|author=|last=只需其一 (帮助)
  7. ^ "People – Katherine Maher". 引用错误:带有name属性“youthfortechnology”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  8. ^ Siddhartha Raja; Samia Melhem; Matthew Cruse; Joshua Goldstein; Katherine Maher; Michael Minges; Priya Surya (2012).
  9. ^ Fitzsimmons, Michelle (January 16, 2016). 引用错误:带有name属性“Fitzsimmons”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  10. ^ Bradley, Diana (May 15, 2014). 引用错误:带有name属性“PRWeek”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  11. ^ Phillip, Abby (August 6, 2014). 引用错误:带有name属性“WPOST”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  12. ^ Tretikov, Lila (February 25, 2016). 引用错误:带有name属性“Tretikov”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次


引用错误:在<references>标签中name属性为“Worldbank book”的参考文献没有在文中使用
