



  1. 神係隻所有生物都有嘅嘢,係種唔可度到嘅嘢,或者係能量。有啲諗法將同靈魂(soul)同神分開,靈魂係永遠存在,就算未身都響度,靈魂已經響處。而神係同身一齊大,係生命一部份。多數都傳統信仰,都唔會將兩樣分開。
  2. 神亦都可以指。生物死咗就變成鬼。唐人就分陽嘅叫神,陰嘅叫鬼,又或叫靈[2]
  3. 神亦都係知覺智慧。呢個係生人同死屍嘅分別。印歐地等同於氣,呼吸。
  4. 神係成個宇宙嘅知覺,類似神祇
  5. 基督敎聖神,又叫聖靈





歐洲而言,一六二八年哈維、 一六三三年笛卡兒,都不約而同,認為生命之力、生命之神,可以使人生動起來,同唐人講嘅神一樣[3]

  1. 大戴禮》「陽之精氣曰神、隂之精氣曰靈。」
  2. Michels, John (January 18, 1884). Science: Volume 3. Highwire Press, Jestor: American Association for the Advancement of Science. p. 74-75. 喺24 November 2021搵到. [...] because of the improvement in philosophy [...] men began to break loose from the trammels of Greek and mediaeval metaphysics, and to realize that a process is not explained by the arbitrary assumption of some hypothetical cause invented to account for it. So long as the phenomena exhibited by living things were regarded, not as manifestations of the properties of the kind of matter of which they were composed, but as mere exhibitions of the activity of an extrinsic independent entity, a pneuma, anima, vital spirit, or vital principle which had temporarily taken up its residence in the body of an animal, but had no more essential connection with that body than a tenant with the house in which he lives, - there was no need for physiological laboratories. [...] Both Harvey and Descartes, however, still believed in a special locally placed vital spirit or vital force, which animated the whole bodily frame as the engine in a great factory moves all the machinery in it.