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TSM2UHD is a program to convert TSMUXER BD formatted structures for use on standalone UHD BD players. TSM2UHD stands for "TSMUXER to UHD". TSMUXER v2.6.12 has the ability to multiplex HEVC streams into a Blu-Ray disc structure. One might assume, then, that if that structure was created from a 2160p (UHD) HEVC file that is compliant with Ultra HD Blu-Ray (UHD-BD) -- it would playback on a UHD player. Unfortunately, however, that isn't the case. When TSMUXER v2.6.12 was created there was still much that hadn't been decided in the UHD-BD standard. The purpose of this software is to examine the output of TSMUXER v 2.6.12 and make changes that are required in order to make that structure readable and compatible with a standard UHD-BD standalone player.

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