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A FAMILY has been left “traumatised” after a holiday park put them in a poo-stinking caravan - before a drunk stranger got in and tied up their puppy.

Rory Geddes and partner Matilda say their three night break at Parkdean Resorts in East Sussex was "the holiday from hell".

Rory Geddes and partner Matilda say their three night break at Parkdean Resorts in East Sussex was 'the holiday from hell'
Rory Geddes and partner Matilda say their three night break at Parkdean Resorts in East Sussex was 'the holiday from hell'Credit: Steve Bell
A man, pictured, was in the caravan Rory Geddes and partner Matilda were told they could move to
A man, pictured, was in the caravan Rory Geddes and partner Matilda were told they could move toCredit: supplied
The first caravan the family were placed in at Camber Sands Parkdean Resorts had soiled baby wipes and litter outside
The first caravan the family were placed in at Camber Sands Parkdean Resorts had soiled baby wipes and litter outsideCredit: supplied
The family found their German Shepherd puppy Roxy tied up by the homeless man
The family found their German Shepherd puppy Roxy tied up by the homeless manCredit: supplied

Having left with their three kids "crying their eyes out" the couple are battling for a full refund and have vowed never to return.

Tree surgeon Rory, from Reigate, Surrey, told The Sun: “We were so looking forward to getting away.

"But this has just been a holiday from hell.”

Rory, 29, and Matilda coughed up £350 to take kids Lila, seven, Jaxon, five, 10-month-old Hallie and German Shepherd puppy Roxy on a much-needed break.

Read More holidays from hell


But after arriving at the Camber Sands site just after 6pm on April 26, Matilda said the family were greeted with an "absolutely grim" caravan.

The 26-year-old said of the static two-bed: "Cigarette butts, balloons, litter, wipes with poop on.

"It had a stench of dog urine and poo inside too."

They demanded to be moved but to their horror, a security guard allegedly told them: 'You either deal with it for the night or you go home'.

The family and pup were eventually moved to a new caravan but their ordeal just went from bad to worse.

Rory explained: “We had only been there a day and popped out to the arcade round the corner.

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“We left Roxy inside the caravan because she’s only a pup.

“When we got back I could tell straight away that something wasn’t right."

To their sheer horror, the family discovered a drunk stranger hanging out in their caravan.

“We’ve gone inside and the whole place stinks of smoke, he’s got a ciggie on and he’s knocking back cans of cider", Rory said.

“And poor Roxy has been chained to her cage to stop her running around - she was terrified.”


Shocking video of the incident shows the bloke drunkenly muttering as he's booted out the caravan while Roxy yelps in horror.

The family stormed to reception and were mortified to learn that a member of staff had actually handed the keys to the intruder by accident.

The park later confirmed the man was a guest and there had been a mix up with the bookings.

Rory added: "It seems like the guy has just wandered in and told them he’s lost his keys.

“He’s told them he’s staying in our caravan and they’ve not asked for any ID or anything - they’ve just handed over a new set of keys.

“We are literally standing there kicking off at the reception and he walks by and hands the receptionist the keys back.”

There were cigarette butts, balloons, litter, wipes with poop on. It had a stench of dog urine and poo inside too

Matilda Geddes holidaymaker

Despite everything the family were put through, Parkdean Resorts only refunded them £15 for cot hire and offered a measly £28.30 voucher for their next stay.

Slamming Parkdean Resorts' "cheek", Matilda said: "We've contacted them and said we aren't happy and demand a full refund and compensation."

In an email to the couple, Parkdean Resorts said they were "ever so sorry" to learn of their ordeal and were investigating the incidents.


A spokesperson for Camber Sands holiday park said: "We’re sorry that Mr Geddes’ initial accommodation fell short of our usually high standards, and that his family was mistakenly moved into accommodation that another guest had already booked for the next day.

"We have apologised to Mr Geddes for his experience and offered a gesture of goodwill.”

Rory Geddes with his partner Matilda and German Shepherd puppy Roxy
Rory Geddes with his partner Matilda and German Shepherd puppy RoxyCredit: Steve Bell
The couple said their dog was left traumatised after it was chained to a crate
The couple said their dog was left traumatised after it was chained to a crateCredit: Steve Bell
Piles of rubbish were found outside the caravan
Piles of rubbish were found outside the caravanCredit: The Sun


If you have suffered an injury at a caravan or campsite as a guest or as an employee, you could claim compensation, says First Personal Injury solicitors.

Every caravan and campsite has a duty of care to ensure that safe working conditions and health and safety guidelines are met.

If they are not and it results in an injury, you may be eligible to claim compensation.

But are fund if you are unhappy with the cleanliness and hygiene standards of your caravan or park will likely be decided by the holiday company.

Source: First Personal Injury solicitors
