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Mum caught having sex in the back of her car while a three-year-old child sat in the passenger seat

Randy mother-of-five was high on drugs when she was seen by builders having sex in a vehicle

A MUM-OF-FIVE who was once arrested on a flight for being drunk has now been jailed for having sex in a park in broad daylight.

Maxine Cocks, 42, was seen by builders romping with a man on the back seat of her car while a three-year-old child sat in the passenger seat.

 Maxine Cocks was seen having sex in the back of a car while a three-year-old sat in the front seat
Maxine Cocks was seen having sex in the back of a car while a three-year-old sat in the front seatCredit: SWNS - London +44 (0)1179066550

Cocks, who was high at the time, flashed her breasts at passers-by while having sex with her partner.

She was then was taken to a nearby pub by police officers where she stole a barmaid's handbag.

Eye-witnesses who saw her kinky antics in August last year called her "sick" before phoning the police who then arrested her for outraging public decency.

Earlier that morning workmen became concerned about a hatchback which had been parked near a roundabout with a punctured tyre in Herne Bay, Kent.

They were so concerned that the vehicle posed a danger to motorists they went to help, only to find her fast asleep post coitus, where she claimed to have been for five hours.

Police were alerted and Cocks and her lover were taken to a nearby Harvesters Restaurant to freshen up.

But while they were there, an employee had her bag and contents stolen and Cocks was later discovered with the victim's driving licence.

She and her lover then got on a train to Ramsgate, Kent, where she was then seen in a park, intoxicated, flashing her breasts and having an argument with him.

Prosecutor Simon Taylor told Canterbury Crown Court on Monday: "Cocks was then seen taking off her top by a member of public, exposing her breasts.

"The member of the public also saw her fall over a couple of times and then have sex with her partner in full view of the public, including a three year old child.

"Passers-by were also heard shouting that the couple were sick."

The court heard that Cocks, of Ramsgate, Kent, has been convicted ten times in the past - including the air-rage incident.

She had drunk the strong Turkish spirit raki before boarding a plane from Antalya in Turkey to Gatwick.

Cocks avoided going to prison for the 2010 offence, despite making homophobic and racist remarks to the air crew.

John Barker, defending, said she was "overcome by her drug addiction" and had lost control.

Judge Simon James jailed her for a year after she admitting outraging public decency, handling stolen property and another offence.

He told her: "The inescapable fact is class A drugs ruin lives. On that day you clearly lost all sense of proportion, propriety and logic.

"Your conduct was such that members of the public were quite rightly shocked, not simply because you were having sexual intercourse in public but doing so oblivious a child was there."

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