Articles by Jessica Wu

09/19/24 12:09am
Wellness at Penn offerings for the semester include group therapy, the Let's Talk program, Peer Wellness Coaching, and the SUPER Recovery Community.
08/07/24 10:52pm
The transition is set to take effect on Oct. 1. Wilson will then step down from his position as program director and the GTP will be fully discontinued at Penn.
06/11/24 11:38pm
The new two-year contract will provide RAs with a $3,000 stipend, 150 meals, and a $750 contract ratification payment for RAs who worked during the most recent spring semester.
05/16/24 11:18pm
Meet Siddhartha Mukherjee, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and cancer physician who will deliver Penn’s 2024 Commencement speech on May 20.
04/30/24 10:41pm
The Daily Pennsylvanian sat down with Epstein last week to discuss his experience with the abrupt leadership transition and his priorities in his new role.
04/18/24 12:51am
Although no vote has been scheduled at this time, Penn Vet and Pennsylvania House Democrats remain hopeful that the school will receive funding, as it has since 1889.
04/17/24 2:17am
Prior to her role as executive director of Student Health and Counseling at Penn, Ruiz served as the director of the Student Health Center at Montclair State University.
04/14/24 10:00pm
The motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed by previous postdoctoral researcher Susan Faust called the complaint "too late and too little."
04/08/24 12:06am
Philadelphia will see approximately 90% of the sun covered at the maximum point of the eclipse, with many different options for viewing the eclipse on and near campus.
03/28/24 10:05pm
The press conference, which was attended by more than 50 Penn workers, precedes a union election scheduled for Apr. 16 and 17 to vote on the unionization of graduate student workers at Penn.
02/27/24 12:58am
The lawsuit alleges that the University conducted itself “more like an illegal monopolist than a research institution.” 
02/11/24 11:29pm
Levine is the first openly transgender person to hold a Senate-confirmed position at the federal level.
02/04/24 11:42pm
The artwork facing scrutiny was made by cartoonist and freelance writer Dwayne Booth, who teaches courses at Penn on political cartooning.
01/30/24 11:17pm
An August 2023 letter signed by students and recent graduates alleged that the School of Veterinary Medicine consistently made them work too many hours per week.
01/22/24 10:42pm
Penn Medicine and Wellness at Penn temporarily updated their masking guidelines in response to a recent spike in Philadelphia COVID-19 cases.
12/08/23 12:49am
Penn community members held Israeli flags and signs that read “zero tolerance for antisemitism,” while chanting “no place for hate at Penn.”
11/28/23 12:33am
"We are actively working to find a date in February when the film can be viewed and discussed safely and constructively," a Penn spokesperson wrote. 
11/19/23 11:10am
The posters were seen in many locations around campus, including at high rise field, Class of 1920 Commons, Class of 1949 Bridge, and on light poles and benches along Locust Walk, Chestnut, and Walnut Street.
11/17/23 1:19am
The curriculum, which occurs concurrently with the training and volunteering components, teaches students about the racial wealth gap, tax systems and policies, and how to discuss sensitive financial issues.
11/02/23 2:29am
Many students who spoke with the DP felt that the action plan is a necessary step for the University to take, while some felt that the plan does not provide enough support to Palestinian or Jewish community members.
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