Front cover image for The encyclopedia of the industrial revolution in world history

The encyclopedia of the industrial revolution in world history

Kenneth E. Hendrickson (Editor)
"In The Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revoloution in World History" contributors survey the Industrial Revolution as a world historical phenomenon rather than through the traditional lens of a development largely restricted to Western society."--Back cover
eBook, English, 2015
Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, 2015
1 online resource (3 volumes (xiii, 1130 pages))
9780810888883, 0810888882
Pages:1 to 57; Pages:58 to 114; Pages:115 to 171; Pages:172 to 228; Pages:229 to 285; Pages:286 to 342; Pages:343 to 399; Pages:400 to 456; Pages:457 to 513; Pages:514 to 570; Pages:571 to 627; Pages:628 to 684; Pages:685 to 741; Pages:742 to 798; Pages:799 to 855; Pages:856 to 912; Pages:913 to 969; Pages:970 to 1026; Pages:1027 to 1083; Pages:1084 to 1140; Pages:1141 to 1145