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Montreal Ranked Top "Most Liveable City" In The World

You won't believe who ranked higher.

Canada is the world's most liveable country, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Liveability Report for 2017

And Montreal ranks among the most livable cities in the world, but not quite at the top. 

READ ALSO: You Can Now Climb To The Top Of Montreal's Clock Tower For Free

The EIU's annual report, which ranks 140 major cities around the world based on their liveability, found Melbourne, Australia to be the most liveable city in the world. 

Behind Melbourne is Vienna, Austria at number two. 

Canada comes in strong afterwards, with Vancouver, Toronto, and Calgary getting the 3rd, 4th, and 5th spots, respectively. 

Adelaide, Australia actually tied with Calgary for the fifth overall spot, which is why there's no "number six" in the overall rankings.

Montreal doesn't make the list until number 12, behind two more Australian cities, Auckland, Helsinki, and Hamburg. 

Ranking 12th on a list of 140 cities definitely isn't bad, though, and Canada as a whole outranks practically every country when it comes to liveability. 

The only contender to Canada is Australia, but when adding up the scores of the top cities from both countries, the "True North strong and free" reigns supreme. 

Cities were ranked in the report using 5 main categories: Stability, Healthcare, Culture & Environment, Education, and Infrastructure.

Adding up the scores from each category, a total "livability" sum was created and then used to rank the 140 cities. 

Below you'll find the top 12 'most liveable' cities, which is sure to make you happy you live in a country like Canada. 

1. Melbourne, Australia

2. Vienna, Austria

3. Vancouver, Canada

4. Toronto, Canada

5. Calgary, Canada

5. Adelaide, Australia

7. Perth, Australia

8. Auckland, New Zealand

9. Helsinki, Finland

10. Hamburg, Germany

11. Sydney, Australia

12. Montreal, Canada

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