James Sowerby - Sothebys Botany Vol XIII (Supplement) -

€ 3,00
30sinds 15 jun. '24, 12:03
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Sowerby-English Botany (Vol. XIII-Supplement)

28x18 cm, 213 pages
Bell&Sons-1913, Third edition
Condition: binding quit firm, pages and plates clean, cover has some wear and tear. No markings or inscriptions

English Botany was a major publication of British plants originally comprising a 36 volume set, issued in 267 monthly parts over 23 years from 1790 to 1814.
The work was conceived, illustrated, edited and published by the botanical illustrator and natural historian, James Sowerby. The brief formal technical descriptions were mostly supplied by the founder of the Linnean Society, Sir James Edward Smith. Initially Smith had declined to have his name associated with the work as he considered that his professional co-operation with a socially inferior artisan such as Sowerby might degrade his standing in higher circles. However, following the phenomenal public success and general acceptance by the professional class of the work he insisted that the title page of the fourth and succeeding volumes credited the work to his name with Sowerby named solely as the illustrator. The work, however, continued to be generally referred to as "Sowerby's Botany". In spite of this abuse of their social class differences by Smith, the two men were good friends and happily worked together on several projects over many years.

The book hereby offered is the last part of the 1913 third edition.

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