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People notice incredibly awkward detail as Nigel Farage celebrates with fans in pub during England game

People notice incredibly awkward detail as Nigel Farage celebrates with fans in pub during England game

The Reform UK leader didn't have great timing

You might think you'd struggle to find a politician who is more patriotic than Nigel Farage, but his antics while watching the England and Denmark clash last night (20 June) seemed to suggest otherwise.

The Reform UK leader, 60, shared a video on social media of himself inside a boozer that was brimming with St George's flags and punters with three lions on their shirts alongside the caption: "Proper stuff!" Take a look at this:

Despite being drenched in milkshake and having a string of miscellaneous objects hurled at him while out in public in recent weeks, it hasn't put Farage off from getting up close and personal with the British public.

Pretty much every single person inside the pub had their phones pointed at the former I'm A Celeb star as he tried to order another pint while the crowd sang Rule, Britannia! at the top of their lungs.

It seemed to be a very celebratory atmosphere to say the least, with Farage receiving a few pats on the back while stood at the busy bar.

But because all eyes were on the politician, no one seemed to be keeping an eye on what was unfolding on the screens as England were in the midst of their second game at the Euro's.

Farage's celebrations were extremely bad timing. (TikTok/@nigel_farage)
Farage's celebrations were extremely bad timing. (TikTok/@nigel_farage)

The mood in most pubs across the country was very jubilant following Harry Kane's goal in the 18th minute, but an equaliser from Denmark's Morten Hjulmand in the 34th minute then put quite a dampener on things.

However, this didn't appear to be the case in the boozer that Farage was in - as the politician and the punters were gleefully celebrating at the exact moment the 24-year-old pinged the ball past Jordan Pickford.

Farage, who was sporting an England shirt, was too preoccupied with entertaining his new pals at the bar to see Hjulmand had made the score 1-1.

Eagle eyed social media users who spotted what was unfolding on the screens behind him shared their thoughts on the incredibly awkward timing in the comments.

The politician didn't notice Denmark's goal in the 34th minute. (TikTok/@nigel_farage)
The politician didn't notice Denmark's goal in the 34th minute. (TikTok/@nigel_farage)

One joked: "Big fan of Denmark?"

Another wrote: "Why’s he so happy when we have just conceded?" and a third added: "As we conceded a goal… sums him up."

While a fourth chimed in: "Why are you celebrating when we just conceded?"

Unfortunately, Gareth Southgate's lads were unable to sneak another one in before the match ended and the game resulted in a draw.

The lads will take on Slovenia in the third group game next Tuesday (25 June).

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@nigel_farage

Topics: Football, Euro 2024, Nigel Farage, Viral, TikTok