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Dorcel - Multi P-Joy - Rotating Prostate Massager - With Remote Control - Black

10% Cheaper 10% Cheaper
Original price €99,99
Original price €99,99 - Original price €99,99
Original price €99,99
Current price €89,95
€89,95 - €89,95
Current price €89,95
SKU 5242
Multi P-Joy is a real innovation in male pleasure. The first motor with massage balls is located in the flexible head of the vibrator, which moves up and down thanks to its undulating shaft to stimulate the prostate with the utmost precision. The second motor has spinning balls to stimulate the anal wall. The third motor is aimed at perineal pleasure. Thanks to its round shape, easy and gentle penetration is guaranteed. The prostate stimulator has 5 up-and-down modes, 5 rotation modes and 7 vibration modes.

  • Size: Ø 3.4 x x 17 x 11.8 cm
  • Insertion length: 13 cm
  • Charging time: 3 hours
  • Play time: 1 hour
  • Remote control range: 10 m