
Full Coverage: Isla Vista killings near UC Santa Barbara

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At first, when it began, it was lost to the soundtrack of another Friday night in this bluff-top college town: screeching tires and what sounded like fireworks.

But then — shattered glass. Sirens. Screams.

Within 10 minutes, it was done — seven dead, 13 wounded, a tormented young man slumped at the wheel of a shattered BMW, a gunshot wound to his head, three semiautomatic handguns and more than 400 rounds of ammunition at his side.

Behind him, there were 10 distinct crime scenes in a single square mile — skateboarders and bikers run down and tossed into the air; bullets bursting through the windows of shops; police officers tackling pedestrians and hauling them indoors to protect them; two young women dying on the lawn of a sorority.

For months, Elliot Rodger, 22, had posed behind the wheel of that same BMW, posting videos of himself on social media.

Here is The Times’ coverage of the attack.
