On This Day: June 6, 2024


1778 George (Beau) Brummell, Fashion leader

1862 Henry Newbolt, English poet

1868 Robert F. Scott, English antartic explorer

1875 Thomas Mann, German writer & Nobel prize winner

1947 Ahmed Abdulkari Tafida, public administrator, 55, June 6. He studied at Ahmadu Bello University , Zaria , Kaduna State, 1969-71; London Polytechnic, London , 1971-75; School of Television Production,

1956 Bjorn Borg, Sweedish tennis player

1958 Mike Gatting, English cricketer


1944 The invasion of Normandy, D-Day, by allied forces began

1945 Russians found what was believed to be Hitlers body

1954 The Pope opened the eight nation TV network called Eurovision

1966 The American spacecraft, Gemini 9, completed 45 orbits of the Earth

1967 Egypt closed the Suez canal as Israel seized Gaza

1984 The occupation of the Golden Temple at Amritsar ended

1988 Prince Charles was listed in the top 130 eccentrics list

1989 Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iranian leader, died