

Exercise Room Yes
Pool Yes
Pets Alloweed Cats/Dogs
Concierge Yes
Fitness Center Yes
Party Room Club/Party/Entertainment Room


General Information

Number of Units 23
Number of Floors 6
Number of Penthouses 0
Year Built 2009
Valet Parking N/A
Owner Type Condo
Owner Occupancy N/A
Security N/A
Pets Allowed Cats/Dogs

High-Rise Overview Profile

Homes For Sale 1
Homes For Rent N/a
Homes Recently Sold 4
Homes Recently Leased 5
Bedrooms 2 Avg.
Avg. Sale Price $575,000
Avg. Rent Price N/a
Bathrooms 2 Avg.
Avg. Price/square Ft N/a
Avg. Rent/square Ft. N/a
Avg. Average Square Ft. N/a
Assigned Schools 14
Agents W/ Listings 1
# Of Agents Who Sold 6

Villa de Leon Location Map

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School information is computer generated and may not be accurate or current. Buyer must independently verify and confirm enrollment. Please contact the school district to determine the schools to which this property is zoned.

Assigned schools

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School information should be independently verified.
Please contact the school district to determine the schools to which this neighborhood is zoned.

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