Arctic Agenda

EU Commission charms Greenland in critical materials global race

Est. 3min

On a visit to Greenland, the European Commissioner for International Partnerships is seeking to secure the European Union's interests in this Arctic territory rich in raw materials crucial for the ecological transition.


West’s coming war with Russia will be triggered by Arctic climate breakdown

Est. 6min

NATO countries are priming their citizens to be ready for the next global conflict between the great powers. Once unthinkable, the idea of a third world war seems closer than ever, writes Maurizio Geri.

Technology 14-10-2022

Tech Brief: fair share stumbles, national security and AI, executive orders and Arctic cables

Est. 26min

Welcome to EURACTIV’s Tech Brief, your weekly update on all things digital in the EU. You can subscribe to the newsletter here.    “BEREC's experience shows that the internet has proven its ability to cope with increasing traffic volumes, changes in demand patterns, …

Technology 14-10-2022

EU eyes Arctic internet cable to connect Europe to Asia via Alaska

Est. 6min

The European Commission is considering financing a fibre optic cable to connect Europe to Asia via the Arctic and avoid existing choke points, two EU officials familiar with the matter told EURACTIV under the condition of anonymity.


Russia’s speaker asks parliament to look at scrapping Norway sea treaty

Est. 2min

The speaker of Russia's lower house of parliament asked a senior lawmaker on Tuesday (5 July) to look into scrapping a treaty that establishes the country's maritime border with NATO member Norway.

Europe's East 08-04-2022

The Brief – NATO’s (other) gap to fill

Est. 7min

The war in Ukraine has brought back awareness that NATO's Achilles heel in Europe is Poland's Suwałki corridor, which cuts across the only link between Russia's Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad and Belarus. However, from a security point of view, there is another strategic gap to fill.


The EU must re-think its Arctic relationship with Russia

Est. 8min

The 24 February was a turning point in European history. But while we are currently focused on the immediate consequences of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, it is also pivotal to pay attention to other regional theatres of exchange between Russia and the West, write Andreas Raspotnik and Andreas Østhagen.

Climate change 21-03-2022

Heatwaves at both of Earth’s poles alarm climate scientists

Est. 4min

Antarctic areas reach 40C above normal at same time as north pole regions hit 30C above usual levels, reports EURACTIV's media partner, The Guardian.

Thunberg protests against Sweden iron mine on Sámi land

Est. 2min

Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg and members of the Nordic country's indigenous Sami community on Saturday (5 February) protested against a possible iron ore mine in northern Sweden.


Danish FM: Important to keep the Arctic conflict-free

Est. 4min

It must be the Arctic states that are in the driver's seats to create resilience in the region, Danish foreign minister Jeppe Kofod told EURACTIV. Kofod spoke to Global Europe reporter Alexandra Brzozowski on the sidelines of the Arctic Circle Assembly …


We don’t want to see any flash points in the Arctic, EU envoy says

Est. 7min

The EU needs to adapt how it approaches the role of China and Russia in the region, Michael Mann, EU's Special Envoy for Arctic Matters, told EURACTIV.


EU bids to step up green diplomacy in the Arctic

Est. 6min

Convincing other countries to pursue a ban on exploiting new fossil fuel deposits in the Arctic will require diplomatic efforts, Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius told EURACTIV as the European Commission unveiled a new Arctic strategy on Wednesday (13 October) in response to growing geopolitical tensions in the region.

Global Europe 16-09-2021

Brussels should follow Biden’s lead in engaging Russia

Est. 5min

Putin's Russia is a consistent source of tension among EU countries, but a certain degree of engagement with this country could deliver tangible benefits for the EU on increasingly urgent issues such as climate change, the Arctic, and cybersecurity, writes Nick Lokker.

Global Europe 20-05-2021

US waives sanctions on Nord Stream 2 as Biden seeks to mend Europe ties

Est. 4min

The Biden administration waived sanctions on the company behind Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday (19 May), a move decried by critics of the project in Congress.

Global Europe 19-05-2021

US, Russia to hold Arctic talks in push for summit

Est. 3min

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russia's veteran Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov were expected to hold talks on Wednesday night (19 May) amid a push to agree a presidential summit despite dire ties between the former Cold War foes.


Russia, US tout cooperation ahead of Arctic Council meeting

Est. 5min

With a warming climate melting more Arctic ice cover and global industries eager to exploit the region for shipping, fishing, drilling and mining, the United States and Russia sounded a rare, cooperative note going into an Arctic meeting this week.


Nordic countries set up Sámi reconciliation commissions to investigate indigenous injustices

Est. 5min

Colonial era policies in northern Scandinavia continue to affect Sámi life, culture and land use. Meanwhile, truth commissions are being set up and aim to investigate injustices against Indigenous people carried out by the states. There are an estimated 100,000 to …

Global Europe 07-04-2021

Polls close in Greenland election closely watched by global mining industry

Est. 3min

Voting stations closed in Greenland on Tuesday evening (6 April) in a snap election that could unseat the ruling party and help decide the fate of vast deposits of rare earth metals that international companies want to exploit.


The presence of the EU’s Arctic future

Est. 7min

The circumpolar North is back on the EU’s agenda as the Commission and the External Action Service are currently preparing an update to the EU’s Arctic policy, writes Andreas Raspotnik. Andreas Raspotnik is a Senior Research Fellow, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker …


What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic

Est. 9min

The Arctic is once again at the centre of geopolitical and strategic discussions, mainly for one reason - climate change - and it is imperative to act now, write Virginijus Sinkevičius and Boris Herrmann.

Politics 17-02-2021

Mining fuels Greenland dreams of independence – and political crisis

Est. 5min

A rare earth mining project in Greenland has reignited dreams of the autonomous Arctic territory's full independence from Denmark one day, but environmentalists fear large-scale mining could harm the remote island's pristine landscape.


We want to choose our way of life, Arctic youth urge policymakers

Est. 5min

As the EU works on its Arctic policy update, to be published by the end of this year, youth representatives from the European Arctic have called on policymakers to ensure that Arctic youth and Indigenous peoples are included in the actions that will directly affect their futures.

Energy 22-12-2020

Norway’s top court rejects climate challenge to Arctic oil exploration

Est. 3min

Norway's Supreme Court struck down a challenge from environmental groups trying to stop oil exploration in the Arctic, after a historic battle over the country's climate change commitments on Tuesday (22 December).


EU needs to be prepared for rapid developments in the Arctic

Est. 6min

The Arctic is a unique region and is becoming more important in international politics. The region is under high attention as the Arctic itself is changing, mostly due to climate change. However, with the attention, also must come the responsibility, …