This wouldn't have helped Van der Garde either: 'Was still screwed'

F1 News

Van der garde reacts to new points system Formula 1
27 April at 20:00

For now, the plan is on hold again: the F1 teams still want more research into the pros and cons of a new points system in Formula 1, it emerged last week after the F1 Commission - the consultative body of the ten teams. At least some of the teams are strongly in favour of giving points to the top 12 classified drivers in a Grand Prix from next season, instead of the 10 now. The idea can count on support from Giedo van der Garde.

The Dutchman himself drove one season in Formula 1, in 2013 with Caterham. He did not score any points in the 19 Grands Prix in which he started. Whether that would have been different with the proposed new points system? "No, just barely! I would still have been screwed," Van der Garde laughed in his own podcast, DRS: The Race Show. And indeed, a 14th place in Hungary was Van der Garde's best result back in 2013.

The Dutchman, now an analyst, is in favour a modified points system. "It makes it a bit more interesting, because it's about the team that performs the most consistently. You now see at Haas Hulkenberg consistently in the points. If you consistently drive between P8 and P12 or P15, and it changes a lot, and there are two drivers who do well and score points consistently, that's kind of interesting. That makes it fun for that 11th and 12th driver to score points."

More opportunities for midfield teams in F1

In current Formula 1, there are actually two groups: the top teams and everything behind them. Especially for the second group, more people in the points is attractive: "It becomes much more interesting for the midfield. You know there are Red Bull, McLaren, Ferrari and Mercedes. Well, then eight people are already gone. Behind that, it's pretty variable. If that is introduced next year, it will be quite nice," Van der Garde said.