What gives you a sense of community, belonging?

What makes you feel connected?


We are delighted to ask people from all over Edinburgh to get involved! 900 Voices is a city-wide invitation to add your voice to this sound art project & oral history archive of the city.

900 Voices is a participative project by Zoë Irvine with Lindsay Perth and Jules Rawlinson. It has been commissioned as part of Edinburgh’s St Giles Cathedral’s momentous 900th Anniversary celebrations.

Would you like to speak with us and share what gives you a sense of community, belonging or connectedness?


We are seeking people based in Edinburgh

People who are interested in helping us answer these questions about belonging, connection. These will take the form of recorded conversations (audio only).

What kind of conversations?

Conversations that share thoughts and ideas about what gives us a feeling of connection, community, and a sense of belonging. Get in touch and we’ll arrange a recording time and place with you.

Where can connection and belonging be found?

This can be found anywhere - sport, friends, shared meals, music, art, spiritual practice, family, chess clubs, book clubs, allotments, choir, gaming, your work and so on. How you experienced a sense of belonging? Was it in relation to community, landscape, culture, music, friends? We’d love to know what gives you those experiences, those moments, of feeling connected.

You tell us - click here to get in touch and we’ll arrange a recording!

Your voice will join hundreds of others to create a unique sonic portrait of lived experiences.

What will happen to the
recorded conversations?

These recordings will become part of a sound installation, an ever-evolving collection of conversations to be listened to in the magnificent interior and extraordinary acoustics of St Giles’ Cathedral. Launching as part of Edinburgh International Festival in August of this year, 900 Voices will continue through the year.

900 Voices is an opportunity to be part of a collective narrative resonating in one of Edinburgh’s most iconic landmarks in this, it’s 900th year.

900 Voices will be presented as part of the Edinburgh International Festival

We are also seeking people to record these conversations for this project! Do you have a friend, family member or neighbour you’d like to record?

No experience or equipment needed, expenses paid. We got that covered!