Number of Prostitutes in the World: 13,828,700

The number listed above is the estimated figure of how many prostitutes there are in the world based on the data listed below. The number of prostitutes by country were collected from a wide range of public sources. Among the sources included security services estimates, reporting by public health programs, and other monitoring data from global criminal justice programs.

All sources and additional information about prostitution is available in our ebook Prostitution: Prices and Statistics of the Global Sex Trade.


  1. China5 Million
  2. India3 Million
  3. United States1 Million
  4. Philippines800,000
  5. Mexico500,000
  6. Germany400,000
  7. Brazil250,000 children
  8. Thailand250,000
  9. Bangladesh200,000
  10. South Korea147,000
  11. Turkey118,000
  12. Taiwan100,000
  13. Cambodia70,000
  14. Ukraine67,500
  15. United Kingdom58,000
  16. Kenya50,000 children
  17. Vietnam33,000
  18. South Africa30,000 children
  19. United Arab Emirates30,000
  20. France20,000
  21. Switzerland20,000
  22. Poland19,000
  23. Mongolia19,000
  24. Israel17,500
  25. Costa Rica15,000
  26. Netherlands7,000
  27. New Zealand3,5000
  28. Denmark3,200
  29. Ireland1,000

Original sources of these figures and additional information about prostitution earnings and revenues are available in our prostitution briefing book.


Additional Prostitution Information:

Prostitution Statistics

Prostitution Revenue by Country

Prostitution Prices

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