Netflix's 'Fuller House' drops Lori Loughlin after college bribery scandal: report

Netflix has reportedly dropped actress Lori Loughlin from the final season of “Fuller House” after she was implicated in a college admissions scandal this week. 

The dismissal, reported by The Hollywood Reporter, comes after Loughlin and her husband were among 50 people indicted in the scam, which facilitated bribing coaches to recruit students for athletic programs and cheating on college entrance exams.


Loughlin appeared regularly on “Fuller House,” appearing in 13 of the show's 57 episodes through the fourth season.

Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that there are no plans for the actress to return when the show airs its fifth season in the fall. 

The Hallmark Channel on Thursday also announced it will no longer work with the actress as a result of the scandal. 

Loughlin was taken into custody earlier this week after an indictment alleged that she and her husband paid $500,000 in bribes to get their daughter, social media influencer Olivia Jade Giannulli, onto the crew team at the University of Southern California.

Jade also had a contract with Sephora dropped following the scandal.

“After careful review of recent developments, we have made the decision to end the Sephora Collection partnership with Olivia Jade, effective immediately,” Sephora said in a statement to Time.