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In Pictures: Top-Earning Dead Celebrities
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© Krister Flodin for

3. Charles M. Schulz

Earnings: $35 million
Occupation: Cartoonist
Died: Feb. 12, 2000
Age: 77
Cause: Colon Cancer

Peanuts might be the understatement of the century. Snoopy and his posse, featured on some 18,000 cartoon strips during Schulz's 50-year career, are the lynchpin of a massive merchandising empire that encompasses television and newspaper syndication, as well as hundreds of performances of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown each year. United Media, on behalf of Schulz's widow, oversees a portfolio of sterling deals, including a 20-year-long campaign with Metlife (Schulz coined the term "security blanket"). One out of every five Hallmark cards sold features a Peanuts character. And in October, Warner Home Video won exclusive rights to distribute Peanuts videos.

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