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Montreal City (Quebec, Canada)
Date of Signing of Sister City Agreement
  June 4, 1998 (Date of Hiroshima City Council Approval)モントリオール市街地
Basic facts
494km2 (approx. 0.5 times the size of Hiroshima City)
Montreal is situated in eastern Canada at the southern extreme
of Quebec Province and occupies the central and eastern areas of Montreal Island, a sandbank in the St. Lawrence river.
Warm humid summers and cold snowy winters. Average temperatures are extreme, with July reaching 26°C and January falling to -6°C.

 Montreal is the largest city in Quebec Province. With a population numbering 1.8 million people and 3.13 million people in the greater urban area, it ranks as the third largest city in Canada. The Montreal Olympics were held in the city in 1976.
Known as the "Paris of North America," Montreal is at once both a modern and international city representative of North America and a city that has inherited the elegance of Europe's long-standing traditions and culture. Although founded on French culture, Montreal is a unique city whose culture is a fusion of influences ranging from those of British descent to a host of other ethnic minorities. The city is famous not only for its world-distinguished botanical garden, but also for a variety of events such as regular performances held by symphonic orchestras and opera troupes, the international fireworks display, and international jazz and film festivals.
Montreal's industries are based mainly in the areas of electronic communications, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and foodstuffs. Cutting-edge industrial sectors such as high-technology, IT, and bio-technology, are prospering in the city.
In January 2002, Montreal City merged with the 28 local governments of the former-Montreal Urban Community, thus marking the start of a new city administration.

Background to the Sister City Agreement
 It was with a speech delivered by the Mayor of Hiroshima at the "International Conference on Peace and Security" held in Montreal in 1986 that exchanges between the two cities commenced.
 Starting with mutual visits by delegation groups, a great number of exchange activities followed. Indeed, the movement to become sister cities arose through such activities as the participation of Montreal in the "World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Intercity Solidarity" and the "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony," exchanges related to the promotion of peace and botanical gardens, the sending of citizen groups from Japanese-Canadian exchange groups, and visits by trade missions.
 The signing of the sister city agreement was conducted in Montreal on May 19, 1998, at the time when a delegation from Hiroshima, led by the Mayor of Hiroshima and the Hiroshima City Council Chairperson, visited the city. The sister city agreement states both cities' desire to, "Promote the development of both cities, foster mutual understanding and friendship between citizens, and contribute to a lasting world peace through a broad range of exchanges."

Development of Exchange
 Following the signing of the agreement, exchanges centred around peace have continued between the two cities. For example, a Peace Memorial Ceremony is conducted ミニチュアガーデン寄贈式each year in Montreal to coincide with the ceremony held annually in Hiroshima on August 6. At the same time, great efforts have been made on the economic front to invest in the revitalisation of regional economies and promote the expansion of business in Hiroshima and Montreal. In addition to an overseas business placement seminar having being held in Montreal, business missions for industries related to the biotechnology sector have also been exchanged between the cities.
 The Montreal Botanical Garden has also continued to play a large role in sister city exchanges, with great efforts having been made to contribute to the hosting of the "Nature & Insects of Canada" exhibition and the presentation of the Montreal Miniature Garden as a gift to commemorate our sister city ties.
 As well as the facilitation of sister city visits by groups composed of citizens and youths from Japanese-Canadian exchange groups, exchanges have also developed in a broad range of areas related to sport and culture, for example, visits by the Goodwill Wings citizen delegation from Hiroshima, and the mutual hosting of sports exchanges, the Exposition d'estampes Contemporaires du Quebec (Quebec Woodprint Exhibition), and film festivals.

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Created by: International Relations Division, International Peace Promotion Department
Citizens' Affairs Bureau, The City of Hiroshima

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