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MLB, China Baseball League Team to Tour China

03 March 2005

Major League Baseball says its international unit will team up with the China Baseball League for a five-city tour of China from March 4 to April 3. 

An interactive fan experience known as the MLB Road Show will visit Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Chengdu.  Fans will have the chance to take some swings in a batting cage, test their throwing skills in a pitching tunnel, and learn about the sport through an interactive media pavilion.

The Road Show will operate in conjunction with the China Baseball League, with players and coaches from the six-team league appearing to help teach the baseball beginners.  The three-year-old China Baseball League includes the Beijing Tigers, China Hopestars, Shanghai Eagles, Sichuan Dragons, Tianjin Lions and Guangdong Leopards.

Since being introduced in 1994, the MLB Road Show has traveled to Australia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

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